My Heart Says NO to WAR; how Do You Feel About it?

OneCube Coaching
3 min readMar 26, 2022


Turning on your flat TV and looking at those heart-throbbing videos where people are crying and talking about their home destruction is never a good experience for me.

I looked at the men lying on hospital beds, and their eyes were asking questions of “what did we do wrong?”

I feel worse when I see little girls and boys crying for their loved ones. My nephew and niece of their age, and I can’t imagine if something like that happened to them for a minute.

They are homeless, they are under attack, and they are in immense pain.

But you know what happens at our side: we wake up, go to the office, and follow our regular routine.

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It feels like this war is in a parallel universe where humanity is asleep.

Since the fire doesn’t surround our houses, we only condemn this act of war.

Most people don’t care; some talk about it casually, and others spend hours and hours in debate. Do you think any such action can be helpful?

I don’t think so.

You check social media, everybody hates it. I witnessed multiple memes and posts.

Did any person think about those kids who experienced a significant loss of their loved ones? They are separated from their families and have lost their parents. We can’t make up for their losses.

Can we?

Once the war is over, these kids will face anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Why does no one talk about it? The effect of war will be long-term.

We together are more than those attacking innocent people. Why can’t we do anything about it?

For god sake, we are not living in the era of WWI or WWII when these acts of terror and war were a common phenomenon.

We live in 2022; we have moved forward, so why are our minds still in the past. Why do we still want to conquer and keep territories under control?

It wasn’t easy for me to see corpses, blood, destruction, and terrible stuff.

What have we learned from Covid-19?

One germ can move the whole world upside down. But I don’t think people supporting war learned anything. Because if they have learned something, they don’t start this war that brings nothing good at the end.

I don’t know about you, but I want to do something about it. Those videos of crying people asking for help crush my heart.

I have had sleepless nights. My soul is restless.

Writing this post and Saying “No to War” isn’t enough, but at least I’m penning my thoughts.

I might not go there and fight for their rights, but I want to end it somehow.

I talked to my life coach about it.

I wanted someone to feel the same pain I was experiencing. My coach might not feel the way, but he helped me channel it well.

That anger I’m feeling.

That helplessness I’m experiencing.

That thought that I’m not doing anything for those human beings on earth is agonizing.

War isn’t a simple thing; it’s the worst thing ever on this very earth. No one feels safe at his home. Death is coming from every side.

I want this to be over. After talking to my coach, I slept well. After two hours, I didn’t wake up, and my shift sleep routine was over.

But, please tell me how you feel about it.

As an ordinary human being on earth, what do you want to do about it?

Do you want to talk about it with someone who gets it? Join A coach is there to understand whatever you have in your mind.

When you feel like getting no answers to questions, those answers come from a life coach. So, please try this route of self-satisfaction.

Am I the only one whose soul and heart scream together and say NO to WAR?

Why attack another human being? What good will it bring? Please stop it. It’s enough.



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