iMessage mockup for a fictional retailer

What’s your iMessage Sticker Strategy?

Bob Hazlett
2 min readOct 3, 2016

You’re the fashionable friend, right? Woman or man, it doesn’t matter much in this example. Everyone asks for your style and clothing opinions. “Come help me pick out an outfit for Saturday night,” they beg. But the thought of enduring the mall food court and kiosk salesmen makes you want to run for the hills.

Being the trendy one, I’m sure you’ve also updated your iPhone to iOS 10 and experimented with the latest iMessage update. Not only can you add animations to your messages, but also new effects, tapbacks and stickers.

Stickers is where I’d like to focus in this concept and the area where I think marketers and brands have a great opportunity. Not only are digital stickers cheap and easy to implement into your current app (or within a standalone app), but they also let your biggest fans do the promoting for you.

With all that said, I present you my iMessage sticker concept for a sample retail store.

Here’s how I envision it working. Think of it as one of those fancy dressing room mirrors, but accessible on your phone and couch.

  • Friend wants your opinion on her outfit and needs accessories that might compliment it
  • She sends you an iMessage with her current look
  • You open her text, hit the app icon and swipe left to your favorite retailer. (This savvy retailer updates their stickers seasonally, so you always have the latest fashions)
  • Pick the best accessory and plop that sticker right on her mug
  • You gain +25 cool points

I’m sure there’s an innovative designer out there who could also pull off additional functionality as well — price, nearest availability or a link to their online store. App analytics would provide brands the hottest items, insight into future trends and the ability to better control inventory.

Do you see other uses where iMessage stickers could be useful for marketers and brands — travel and tourism, restaurants, cosmetics?

This is my first Medium post, so if you like it show some love or follow me on twitter.



Bob Hazlett

Digital marketing and web strategy by day, professional cookie taster at night.