One Last Frog
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

3 Qualities to Look for in a Party Planner

Organizing a party can start off seeming fun, but it can quickly become a very complex and time-consuming task. Having a party planner to help you out is often the best option for you. Don’t worry, there are lots of party planners in Los Angeles.

What is great about hiring a party planner, is that you can chat to them about your ideas, have hours of discussions, email them random thoughts, and they will take care of making it happen. The organization, time management, and planning is down to them. Choosing the right party planner in Los Angeles to take on this planning is really important to make sure your party is a success.

When looking for a great party planner, you need to look for certain features. They will have some essential skills, which you should look for to guarantee they can plan your party with ease.

1) Time management and organization

A party planner will be able to organize a party in any timeframe. They will often seem like a complete miracle worker. If you give them a tight deadline, they won’t balk, they will take it on with ease and good humor. A truly great party planner will be able to plan the party for you, whether out deadline is one day or one year.

To help you find a party planner who has all of these skills, find reviews and get recommendations from other people. If you choose someone who isn’t organized, they will do a really bad job. They may not understand which tasks they need to prioritize, and subsequently may miss out crucial aspects. If they can’t manage lots of things, and keep all the plates spinning, then do not hire them.

2) Communication

A brilliant party planner will be a good communicator. They need to really listen to what you want, and be able to tell everyone else what this is. Someone who doesn’t have these skills will get your ideas wrong and muddled, and you will end up having a party you did not want. Right at the beginning, you should notice your planner asking you lots of questions, and clarifying details with you, so that they check they understand everything you want. You need to be confident in them, and trust that they will communicate your ideas to others, as if they were you!

3) Flexibility

When you are organizing a party, you hardly ever get everything going smoothly. More often than not there will be lots of problems and issues that you are likely to encounter. From the florist not having the flowers you want in season, to there being a shortage of the material you want your dress to be made of. Whilst we may find these kinds of issues hard to deal with, a party planner should take everything in their stride.

They must be really flexible in order to plan the party of your dreams. When you face a problem, they will be positive and come up with lots of different solutions. When working with a party planner, a crisis will never seem like a crisis.

This content has been written by an expert associated with One Last Frog, a company known to offer excellent assistance on Los Angeles Wedding Planners.

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