Top 10 Rivers in the Desert

1 Liner
1 min readMar 2, 2023


Rivers in the Desert

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  1. Nile River — located in Egypt and Sudan, the Nile is the longest river in the world and flows through the Sahara Desert.
  2. Colorado River — located in the southwestern United States, the Colorado River flows through the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts.
  3. Indus River — located in Pakistan, the Indus River flows through the Thar Desert.
  4. Euphrates River — located in western Asia, the Euphrates River flows through the Syrian Desert.
  5. Tigris River — located in western Asia, the Tigris River flows through the Syrian and Arabian Deserts.
  6. Amu Darya River — located in Central Asia, the Amu Darya River flows through the Karakum Desert.
  7. Syr Darya River — located in Central Asia, the Syr Darya River flows through the Kyzylkum Desert.
  8. Rio Grande River — located in the southwestern United States and Mexico, the Rio Grande River flows through the Chihuahuan Desert.
  9. Limpopo River — located in southern Africa, the Limpopo River flows through the Kalahari Desert.
  10. Niger River — located in West Africa, the Niger River flows through the Sahara Desert.

