Creative partnerships: 4 ways to keep the spark alive!

3 min readFeb 13, 2018

Slightly stale crisps in one hand and a glass of too-warm white wine in the other, you catch their eye across the crowded conference room. Your heart beats a little faster. The glimmer of their name badge draws you over for a closer look. This is it! You’re impressed by their price package. Their creative muscles look pretty buff. They understand you and say they can give you everything you need. Next thing you know you’re shaking hands, excited by the start of something beautiful.

But fast forward past the honeymoon phase and you’re into the daily grind of your creative partnership. So what does it take to keep the magic alive over the long haul of a project? Here’s a few lessons from real-life romances that can also help to keep things sweet between clients and agencies…

1. It’s all about the chat

Life is busy and it’s not always easy to make time to talk. But good, regular communication is key in any relationship and crucial when it comes to producing creative brilliance. Agencies need to make sure they don’t disappear into a creative black hole, leaving clients in the dark for days or weeks at a time. And clients need to keep their agencies in the loop, giving them a heads-up if deadlines shift or expectations change.

2. Show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Relationships work when both partners respect and appreciate what the other person brings to the table. Clients are the experts on their business — they know their project, their company, their goals and their audiences. So agencies need to respect that knowledge and make sure it’s the foundation of their creative thinking. And agencies are experts in effective communication — when it comes to creating bloody marvellous brands, websites, campaigns and the like, they know what they’re talking about. So clients need to take their advice and ideas seriously. Ultimately listening to each other and letting each side do what they’re good at is a recipe for long-term love.

3. Don’t play the blame game

In a healthy relationship it’s important to recognise when you’ve cocked up and just apologise — then everyone can move on. So when things don’t go quite as planned on big projects both agencies and clients need to master the art of owning their mistakes, being honest with the other partner and never holding a grudge. Also sometimes shit just happens and it isn’t anyone’s fault, so both sides need to ditch the pointy fingers and just focus on fixing the issue.

4. Know when you might be better off as pals

Not every date can end in a happily ever after. But that’s ok. Sometimes agencies and clients work together brilliantly for 20 years, other times it’s just a brief fling for one fantastic project. Your particular client/agency relationship might not be The One, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still produce some great stuff. Don’t be afraid to face facts and call it a day if the spark has spluttered out. You never know who might be just around the corner…

All this romantic agency chat got you in the mood? Swipe right on the One team at this Valentine’s Day 😉 ❤️

