Inside Look at Department 77

4 min readMar 11, 2022


Department 77

The next NFT project to launch on OnePlanet is Department 77: a novel Sci-Fi, P2E (Play-to-Earn) game built on Terra.

With its unique in-game NFT modifiers, its own lore-driven token $KILO, its passive yield game mechanics that allow users to play (and earn!) while living their off-chain life to the fullest, Department 77 aims to be a main player in Terra’s P2E arena. And if this is not all, you don’t even have to own an NFT to play.

Now, if this is right up your street, the first NFT mint for the ‘Deus MK1’ Collection is on March 15th on One Planet!

Incomparable Lore

It is the year 2322 and humanity is still at the mercy of power struggles. Control of the Iridium deposits scattered around the Solar System’s is now the priority, as the rare metal fuels the fusion reactors that now power everything, from spaceships to A.I. droids. Iridium is the new Oil.

But this time it’s not Shell or Texaco running the show, but Interplanetary mining companies of which Korea’s Black Ocean is the biggest and meanest. These evil corporations are raging an underground war through ‘private contractors’ working in independent bureaus under the veil of corporate entities such as Black Ocean’s Department 77.

Game Mechanics: All you need is UST

Game UI — Control Room

As a player, it doesn’t matter if you don’t own any Bounty Hunter NFTs, because you can still purchase some native $KILO tokens (pegged to the value of 1kg of Iridium, oh yeah!) using $UST to scan the Asteroid Belt from your bureau and earn rewards. As the undervalued manager of your own bureau, you decide how to run the show.

Game Mechanics: NFT Functionality

Bounty Hunter Androids NFT

But if you mint a Bounty Hunter NFT from one of the 6 collections that will launch between March and June, you will have access to bounty missions which may involve sabotage, hacking, surveying, assassinations and more. Your bureau’s location within the Solar System, your Bounty Hunter NFT specs, and an element of luck determine the size of your loot once a mission is completed. This may come in the form of NFT upgrades, $KILO rewards, and in the worst of cases, XP gainz.

Game Mechanics: Passive Earning while Living

Game UI — Mission Board

Two new missions of varying length are generated every day which don’t require your attention once accepted. You can just let it run in the background while you work, leisure, socialize, water the plants, whatever! This model of passive gaming while earning is the first of its kind on Terra

Game Mechanics: A Quality Game

Department 77 — Roadmap

The team are adamant that this is NOT just a DEX disguised as a game, but a REAL game that leverages Terra’s amazing DeFi opportunities to earn yield. To prove this, an Alpha launch will be available as early as April (before most of the NFT mints) so that community members who are conservative NFT investors can test the game for themselves while helping D77 with feedback.

Wen NFT launch ser???

Deus MK1 launching on March 15th on OnePlanet

On March 15th on the One Planet Launchpad, 333 random boxes will be available for sale for 3 LUNA, with each box containing a Bounty Hunter NFT from the ‘Deus MK1’ collection. 33 of them (10%) have the “modified” attribute and will have slightly better stats and unique skinz. Check out D77’s Discord for sneak peaks!

Wen moar NFT launch ser?

Total six NFT drops

There will be six NFT drops in total before the game fully launches — one for each base model bounty hunter. If you’re on the minting whitelist it means you can start minting before the public sale. There will be a 12 hour window at launch in which you can use your whitelist privilege on a first-come first-serve basis. (Tips for Whitelist?)

This is insane, how do I know more?

If you want the full lore, the $KILO tokenomics, roadmap and more, have a read at Department 77’s docs, join their Discord and follow them on Twitter!

Peace out, One Planet.

Launchpad Details

  • Total Supply: 333
  • Mint Cost: 3 $LUNA
  • You can mint 10 NFTs in total
  • Round 1 (Private): March 15 03:00 — March 15 15:00 UTC (max 5 NFTs)
  • Round 2 (Public): March 15 15:00 — Mar 25 3:00 UTC (Max 5NFT)
  • OnePlanet Launchpad: Random Box

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