Introducing Forge by OnePlanet — Forge: Assemble & Disassemble

6 min readApr 18, 2022


For NFTs to reach mass adoption, new features and use cases are needed to help the average person realize the true value of this technology.

But in order for NFT technology to evolve and give rise to shiny new features, improved infrastructure and tools must be developed. The same has been true for any other landmark technological advancements throughout history. Take smartphones for example; the advent of our portable pocket computers was heavily dependent on the invention of ARM microprocessors, which provide abundant computing power yet demand minimal energy to feed instructions to the circuits, thus enabling smaller batteries to be used. Similarly, Terra’s success with creating decentralized money is partly attributed to the low fees and high transaction output enabled by the invention of the Tendermint consensus mechanism for “Proof of Stake” blockchains.

By working closely with NFT creators and their communities, the OnePlanet team has been acutely focused on identifying missing infrastructure and tooling required for new innovations in the NFT space. OnePlanet’s NFT marketplace aims to function as an NFT playground, where artists and innovators will be able to unleash their imaginations and help create NFTs of the future — NFTs that have value extending throughout real-life, the metaverse and beyond.

This is what motivated OnePlanet to build Forge.

Starting with opening the Assemble & Disassemble feature, Forge will become a bundle of tools and services for creating the next generation NFTs. Different tools will be built directly into the OnePlanet platform, which will ensure that it is not just easy to experience innovative new NFT features, but also a lot of fun.

How does Forge: Assemble & Disassemble work?

Forge is a space where an NFT with a dream can be realized. Forge: Assemble & Disassemble gives creators the ability to release components of NFTs that can be arranged to give rise to unique NFT creations — allowing artists to let their creativity run wild!

A great way to illustrate the Forge: Assemble & Disassemble concept is through a popular game many of us grew up with. Let’s take a look at how the character in the image below is assembled.

In this example, Exodia, Forbidden One is a Yu Gi Oh character that is assembled from five different cards, each of which contain a different body part. With Forge: Assemble & Disassemble, NFT creators can produce NFT collections in a similar fashion, where each body part is released as a separate NFT that can be assembled or disassembled to give rise to an extensive variety of NFT creations.

Styllar is a separate NFT project on the Terra blockchain that has developed their own NFT assembly technology, which enables users to customize NFT avatars with different clothing and accessories on the Styllar website. Considering the complexity of creating new NFT technology, developing their own NFT assemble & disassemble is a massively impressive undertaking by the Styllar team. However, many NFT creators do not have the resources and technical horse-power available to build their own NFT assembly/disassembly features from scratch, which is what motivated OnePlanet to integrate this feature directly into their NFT marketplace.

How do I use Forge: Assemble & Disassemble on OnePlanet?

We believe that adding utility to NFTs will increase the engagement of its holders and ultimately its value. Our goal is to build the infrastructure and allow NFT enthusiasts to have fun exploring the many possibilities that this feature will bring. We want to make it easy for creators and collectors alike by developing the structure of the smart contracts, but allow users to enjoy this feature with a simple click and choose your NFT part method on the front end.

Let’s take a look at just how easy it will be to assemble or disassemble your Riot Factory robot NFT when their collection releases on April the 19th.

Assembling a Riotbot

Potential use cases for Forge: Assemble & Disassemble:

Open source metaverse creation — fans could use NFTs as building blocks for creating a metaverse, similar to MineCraft. It would then be possible for users to sell their assembled NFT collections on OnePlanet’s secondary marketplace.

Resale of bulk NFT collections — rather than selling NFTs individually, users could assemble their NFTs into a custom collection and sell them more efficiently in a single transaction. This would be advantageous for NFT trading card collections and NFT fantasy team collections, such as Legends of Terra and Playible, where users may look to trade sets of cards together to get the best in-game value.

Mystery NFT crafting — creators could release NFT “ingredients” that users could then combine together in specific combinations to produce a new NFT, similar to the alchemy crafting in Skyrim. This would give creators the chance to engage their community more, where users who learn the ingredients needed to make highly valuable NFTs could make a lot of money from their knowledge/talents.

NFT lending — customizable parts, weapons, skins and other items are often used in video games for players to gain a competitive advantage. By releasing these in-game items as NFTs, it may become attractive for players to lend and hire expensive and unique parts from each other to improve their skills or level up faster.

What is the Riot Factory NFT collection?

Riot Factory is the first project launching on OnePlanet to take advantage of the Forge: Assemble & Disassemble feature, where it will be possible to build a robot from five individual body part NFTs.

And if you weren’t already excited enough to test Forge: Assemble & Disassemble, it will be completely free to mint NFT body parts from the Riot Factory collection!

Riot Factory previously released the NIPTerra NFT collection on Terra, which could be used in an online game the team also developed, called CatNip Battleverse. The RIOT Factory NFT launch is an extended collection that won a competition as one of the 12 selected projects to be launched on OnePlanet.

The Riot Factory team are also currently working on replacing the CatNip Battleverse game with an animated shooter game, Re: Neko. Check out the video below for a sneak peak at the Re:Neko gameplay.

Get ready to mint your Riot Factory parts on April 19th on our launchpad and experience the building of your own robot. Stay in touch with the Riot Factory team on twitter

Launchpad Details:

  • Total Supply: 5000
  • Mint Cost: Free
  • Round 1 (WL) = April 19 13:00 — April 2013:00 UTC (Max Mint 9 NFTs)
  • Round 2 (Public) = April 20 13:00 — April 29 13:00 UTC (Max Mint 9 NFTs)
  • OnePlanet Launchpad: Random Box

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