Meet the One Solution Team — Deepanshu Bhatt, CMO

2 min readOct 12, 2018


We are glad to introduce to you a new member of the OneSolution team — Deepanshu Bhatt, who now fills the post of CMO of our project.

Deepanshu completed an MBA in International Marketing from the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) at the University of New South Wales Business School.

Deepanshu has extensive experience in the ICO industry. He collaborated with several promising projects that have conducted successful investment rounds. His service record includes various cases ranging from fintech projects to business in the real sector of the economy combined with blockchain technologies.

OneSolution CMO is a specialist in automating and expanding of digital marketing processes. Business Development, Sales Growth, Business Process Improvement, Growth Strategies are just some of Deepanshu’s skills.

Deepanshu introduces himself as a crypto-enthusiast and a bitcoin evangelist. A fanatical approach and deep immersion in every project are his features. All this combined with a high level of responsibility, an extensive knowledge and successful experience in their application in practice allows Deepanshu to build and implement a quality marketing strategy for OneSolution, which will ensure the attraction of a wide range of investors and the rapid development of the project.

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