What Is Brand Voice: A Guidance for Strong Brand Composition

OneZeroEight Brandcomm
6 min readJun 17, 2024


Everybody has a distinct personality and that unique personality defines their identity. A similar term can be used for any product or service named “Brand Voice”. This brand voice is the key to making any brand known globally. If one has a strong brand voice, then that service can’t be ignored anymore.

The brand voice for any product should be the same on all platforms. It is a standard indicator. Customers can expect to see the same branding for any product whether they are communicating via email, social media or offline.

Your company’s brand voice should seem to be trustworthy to customers. The majority of customers prefer to buy products from brands which can be trusted by them.

Your business should establish this kind of trust through many approaches and ways that serve customers, whether it is content, or any service, product and customer support.

Why is a brand voice important?

A brand voice communicates via email, blogs, advertisements, and various social media platforms, all of which contribute to the creation of a distinct brand identity for that business. An audience can be won over to a brand that is credible and consistently leaves lasting impressions. A brand’s voice is clear and talks to its audience directly in order to build an emotional connection.

Lets See Some Brand voice examples


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Wendy’s has a large online fan base because of its opinionated, sarcastic brand image and prompt reactions to social media trends. It has been known for humorous replies and viral roasts on twitter, Wendy’s received fame in 2017.


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Amul has created a unique brand voice with its funny and light-hearted language to present the current trends at the global level. Amul mascot girl was designed in 1967, creating the longest running advertising campaign. Along with that, the advertisements highlight Indian culture also.


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Mailchimp makes work fun by speaking in a conversational, jargon-free style and using quirky humor. They avoid offending or confusing clients by using clarity and sarcastic humor. Though Mailchimp is an entrepreneur’s sidekick, it takes business seriously and thinks work should be enjoyable.

This shows that any brand unknown to people can attract them firstly through social media marketing and, after that, come to know their services and products while buying. Then I would definitely remember their sense of humor used on social media because I liked the brand voice, and it felt close to me.

This can be varied from brand to brand. Every time, it can be a different post, just not funny, and it can be social service related, casual, formal or health related.

Creating Brand Voice

To know if your brand voice is working or not is a simple way to know if your brand is talking directly with customers. This shows that the brand voice is on the right path.

For any brand voice, it is necessary that customers should be a part of their activities so that customers will feel closeness and relatable to the brand.

1 Define the unique mission of the company

A company’s mission creates the base for developing a strong brand voice. It should be trustworthy, compatible with the company’s beliefs, inspiring and transparent to audiences, and set the business unique. Businesses can connect with their consumers and communicate effectively by using the mission into their brand language.

2 Study of buyer persona which can be inspirational or can define voice

Buyer personas can be studied by the analysis of Demographic and Behavioral data pertaining to audiences’ purchasing patterns. In-person comments and inquiries via social media can yield more in-depth understanding. This data has been pointed to identify the tone of voice.

Example 1: Let’s assume the youngsters with a Technology Focus

Persona: 25-year-old young professionals who love technology and appreciate innovation and comfort.
Brand Voice: Vibrant, inventive, and a little casual. Slang and tech jargon are accepted and appreciated.

For instance: “Keep up with the latest technology with our upcoming device. It’s a game-changer, not just a product. Be Ready to pick up our Mirrorless Digital Camera?”

3 Finding the top performing content

Finding out the top performing content that shows the values of your brand voice exactly. Identifying what kind of content it represents because it will directly communicate with your audience. Study to know which values of these content formats have been most useful to the company so that you can align those values with your brand voice further.

4 Finding out dos and don’ts through brand voice chart

Using a consistent tone and style in all of your interactions with consumers. Focus on your target audience’s preferences, interests, and values when crafting your voice. Encourage interaction and discussion by asking for feedback, posing inquiries, and showing readiness.

Use of words or information that might divert or disinterest your audience should be avoided. Avoid being too formal or stiff unless and until it is required for your business image. Instead of ignoring audience feedback, work with it to gradually develop and enhance your brand voice.

5 Take help of well-known branding agency to decide brand voice

Branding agencies can be useful because they have experience creating brand identities and voices for various clients across countries. They also conduct market research, which includes competitor analysis, and their creative professionals can contribute original ideas and methods.

6 Publishing and promoting of the brand voice chart

Publishing of brand voice so that each employee of the company will follow it during its marketing and all aspects of branding. Conducting seminars and some training will help to know how to use brand voice guidelines for branding.

How to Monitor and Maintain a Brand’s Voice

1 Regular Audits: Have regular auditions of your brand voice.

2 User Feedback: Collect customer interviews and surveys using emotions as the main focus.

3 Analytics: Employ web analytics to measure the brand voice’s effect on engagement and conversion.

4 Guideline Updates: Make changes in the voice guidelines that are needed to make them compatible with the brand voice and identity.

5 Allocate a Supervisor: Choose one person to check for consistency across all content and evaluate old works.


Developing and maintaining a unique brand voice involves more than just being consistent. It also includes creating a stronger bond with your target audience. Building trust, standing out in the market, and nurturing lasting consumer loyalty can all be achieved by matching your voice to your brand’s values and implementing it consistently across all platforms. In order to remain engaging and up-to-date, your brand voice should be frequently examined and updated to meet the shifting needs and perceptions of your audience. Embrace your brand voice as an effective tool for authentic, efficient customer communication; in the end, it fosters success and growth in the cutthroat world of business.



OneZeroEight Brandcomm

OneZeroEight is a top branding agency in Pune renowned for its excellence, offers services including Brand Building, UI/UX Design & Marketing Communication.