Ong Lynette
1 min readApr 17, 2015

Snacks: A taste of the past

Provision shops was the place to-go after school for many to get their favourite snacks, including the colour disks, which is enjoyed by people of all ages till today. The sisters’ close proximity while sharing and enjoying the simple snack together could possibly entice the viewer to find this snack, which may be more difficult to purchase now.

The viewers may also notice the light blue Tian Kee Provision Shop signboard. Its bold and formal typography is an indexical sign reflecting the history of the shop, and a symbolic sign if the viewer can associate the Tian Kee name to the old provision shop closed down after two decades.

The metal grilles look less dense when nearer and form a textural gradient. A mixture of vertical lines and triangles highlights tension, and the tightly shut railings denotates the shop is closed down.

The sisters are having a traditional snack in front of a closed shop, and this may seem ironic to the viewer. However, it means that part of our past has been gone, while some remains. Before more of our heartland culture is gone forever, our photo calls for the public to reminisce these good ol’ times in Dakota as long as time allows.