Pride and Disbelief — When it Becomes a Disease!

Sazin Islam
3 min readAug 27, 2022


The disease of pride and disbelief is spiritual cancer. It is caused by a lack of knowledge of God and can lead to spiritual darkness. As a result, one becomes the centre of his or her universe and denies his or her identity and existence. The more people deny and suppress their knowledge of God, the more self-confidence and self-importance they develop. The more pride a person has, the more suffering they experience.

Disbelief is a disease

A disease called disbelief has no cure. It is an affliction of the mind and a sign of an underlying spiritual problem. The symptoms of disbelief include a lack of faith, bad morals, and depravity. It also involves denial of the true nature of God. Those who deny the existence of God suffer the consequences.

The disease of disbelief is an inner attitude of obstinacy. It is like indigestion of the soul. The person with chronic disbelief is incapable of identifying truth and truthfulness. It furthermore results in enmity and obstinacy. People who are suffering from disbelief should pray for Allah’s protection.

Pride is a spiritual cancer

Pride is spiritual cancer that eats up love, contentment, and common sense. James quotes Proverbs when he describes the effect of pride on human life. He says that God opposes those who are proud while giving grace to those who are humble. James also says that if you resist the devil, he will flee from you. In response, God will draw near to you.

The root cause of pride is arrogance. This is the underlying cause of all the troubles we see in the world. People with pride slander others and try to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. The result is often a disaster. It is not uncommon for people to boast about their achievements, but pride in these achievements leads to shame and destruction.

Impostor syndrome

Impostor syndrome is a mental disorder that causes a person to doubt his or her ability, skills, and achievements. It can negatively affect work performance, relationships, and overall life satisfaction. People with this disorder are frequently critical of their performance and may refuse to take on additional duties or responsibilities. They may also feel that their success is based on chance. The disease can even lead to burnout.

This syndrome is often triggered by recent successes or opportunities. People with impostor syndrome often internalize these feelings and may feel that they are not worthy of their success. As a result, these people often struggle with depression and anxiety.


The Catholic Church celebrates marriage as a divine plan, a union of men and women. The sexual faculty is morally acceptable only within a married relationship. Sexual promiscuity is immoral. The Catholic Church condemns homosexual behaviour. It also condemns homosexual acts and the spreading of erroneous doctrine.

In the modern era, religious leaders have expressed their stances on homosexuality and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. They range from punitive to compassionate. For example, the Evangelicals for Social Action’s executive director, Ronald Sider, rejects the correlation between homosexuality and AIDS but insists that Christians must continue to consider homosexuality a sin.

