The Ultimate Guide Of Peace Lily care

online ami
6 min readJun 4, 2019


So the peace lily is a native of South and Central America and also is found in the jungles of Southeast Asia. It is very popular and widely grown into a plant which is also known for its air-purifying properties as per NASA’s research.

It is known to absorb pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde. This is not a true lily it is more related to the “anthurium” and its associated family. So the peace lily is a perennial plant that gives out blooms during the spring season and generally remains dormant during the winter.

There are some variegated leaf varieties of peace lilies. That is very uncommon and sought-after by garden enthusiasts.

Peace Lily Basic Knowledge

Name: peace lily or Madonna lily ( Spathiphyllum wallisii cvrs)

Type of Plant: Clump-forming, evergreen, perennial.

Foliage: deep green, glossy, lance-shaped

Climate: indoors — all zones. Outdoors — indirect sunlight and warm place

Soil: moist, rich, free-draining.

Height: 8 inches to 24 inch

Position: bright filtered light to full-shade. No direct sunlight.

Flowering: white spathe flowers on tall stems, mainly in warmer seasons.

Feeding: Use organic compost or NPK.

Watering: keep moist, but not wet.

That is its flowers so if you think that this white colored thing is the flower. You have definitely mistaken the flower is the cylindrical pod-like structure called spadix. That contains tiny nondescript flowers that are very unattractive to their pollinators. The white space is the one that gives this plant its beauty this is a modified leaf. That will start off white and turn to green or yellow as it ages. The flowers can last up to a month this modification is because of that white spades. Actually, attract nocturnal pollinators to pollinate their flowers. That is not very attractive to the insects and mostly presume that the name piece is because of the white color of the space. That symbolizes peace so now let us talk about the care conditions this plant likes.

Lest talk about the Peace Lily care.

So if you are growing this indoors then an east exposure is the most ideal where it will neither get too much or too less sunlight. Avoid north or southwest when planting it indoors. If you keep this outdoors you can keep this facing the north or the east and must ensure that you protect it from direct sunlight. Peace Lily care.

Water requirements are a challenge this neither likes too much water nor will it like less water. So what are the plant only if the top layer of the soil drives. This plant loves humidity hence misting its leaves or keeping it on a tray of pebbles filled. With water could help while misting do not use tap water use mineral water. If you can or you can also use rainwater.

The peace lily is also very water sensitive which means that its leaves actually drooped down when there is less water. So that is a good sign for you to water the plant immediately so the common complaint I get about peace lily plant. Peace Lily care.

This loves organically rich soil so add a lot of wormy composed to increase flowering. The soil must be well draining and at the same time must be organically rich. So I would suggest using 30 percentage sand 60 percentage compost and 10 percentage soil or coco peat. Or, 25 percentage perlite 25 percentage compost 25 percentage coco peat and 25 percentage garden soil. Don’t use new soil is very harmful to a new plant.

Fertilizer is very important compost is very I highly recommended but sometimes it’s not available all the time. Then you use NPK, NPK is very good chemical fertilizer but use only when compost or other organic fertilizer not available. Because chemical always is harmful to any plant and animals. So always use organic. Peace Lily care. How to make well drain Soil.

You can occasionally prune this plant once it finishes blooming.

Report every 12 months. The report is very important for peace lily because this plant’s roots grow very quick.

I have not encountered too many pests on this occasionally. You would get mealy bugs or aphids use neem oil pesticide ( How to make neem oil) and it will be fine the probability of it getting mealy bugs indoors is much more than in the outdoors. Peace Lily care.

Some Advance Tips.

Pale yellow leaves indicate too much sunlight scorched or burnt leaves indicate direct sunlight. If the edges or the tips of the leaves turn brown or yellow it could be because of over watering or under watering. As a result of stress the accumulation of minerals. In indoor gardening especially could be the primary reason. So for this, you can take the plant out and flush the soil with rainwater or mineral water or distilled water. If you can if you don’t have these see to it that you take this out flush it with tap water at least ten times until the white powdery substance in the soil goes away. This is very typical of indoor peace lilies due to lack of evaporation and air circulation. Healthy peace lily must have shiny dark green leaves propagation of this plant is wide.

How To Propagation

How to grow peace lilies cutting in water peace lily growing in a pot with a betta fish. At that point, you’ve seen a curiosity plant most peace lilies grow in soil. And get a kick out of the chance to nearly go totally dry between waterings a peace lily. That is grown in water is one that has adjusted to an outrageous growing condition by developing different tiny roots. That feed the plant instead of bigger roots for taking supplements from the dirt lilies that are grown in water. Have a tendency to be shorter life than they’re dirt growing cousins stage.

Fills your glass container with lukewarm refined water. Never utilized tap water on the grounds that the chlorine fluoride or hard water. Minerals that might be in it will hurt the plant.

Cut an opening in the focal point of the plastic stopper to hold your peace lily. Setup at the mouth of your glass container.

Expel your peace lily from the container that you acquired it in examine. The roots of rotor harm and expel these roots with a couple of garden shears.

Delicately insert the peace lily into the plastic stopper and place the plants underlying foundations into the glass container. Check to guarantee that the roots are totally submerged in the water.

Feed the plant with a couple of drops of fluid compost once at regular intervals.

Change the water in your piece Lily once at regular intervals. Never enable the roots to be out of the water or dry out this will harm them.

Place your Lily out of direct daylight peace lilies love indirect daylight and will even flourish in homes or workplaces. Where minimal light is available.

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