Online Girl Gossip
2 min readMar 10, 2016

Danielle Mansutti, The True Face Of Honesty?

Danielle Mansutti recently posted a series of blog posts that can only be described as Essenaesque. The first detailing confusion about the reality of love, followed by some frank thoughts on exploring the world, later followed by the “social media isn’t real, nobody is perfect” post, and then a tender and vulnerable post about her desire for true companionship.

It was a stark and thoughtful reminder that no matter how perfect an online personality seems to have it, real life is often waiting in the wings to steal the show.

Danielle has faced criticism on Guru Gossip for being “Fake” but in her raw honesty, how could she be that way at all? The truth is, online personalities are distractions by design. They know, deep down that a lot of what they present is contrived, and they know that we know that too, but we all play along because life is hard, and sometimes it is just nice to look at pictures of pretty girls doing pretty things, and keeping your nose out of whether she burst into tears the second the picture was snapped.

Danielle admits that perhaps her life is not as #GOALS as she presents it, but also acknowledges that it’s okay for that to happen. She knows she is a part of the universe, maybe helping someone who just needs ten minutes away from real life, and she knows she will find her ten minutes away from real life in someone else, and isn’t that what life is about?

Online Girl Gossip

Writing about the happenings of social media celebrities.