Doesn’t matter if you are big or small. You are a brand. You have a brand. And to make it emerge on your field and market you need to use some Branding Strategy.

Branding is the visual strategy that every entrepreneur must consider for the business recognition and growth. Brand is how people interpret your business. So, defining and positioning the perception of your name and products on the market is essential.

Maybe you don’t think this is something you should worry about. However, in 95–99% of private companies cases branding is the differential for growth, new clients and the market approach. Doesn’t matter how cool is your product. If you don’t create an identity to it and start spreading this information, your company is not going to rise. So pay attention to this branding tips to stand out.

  1. Define the identity of your brand

This is the first and most important tip. On this branding definition you need to answer some straight questions about your company. Like:

– How do you want your clients to see your brand?
– What is your products or company differentials?
– What are your mission, objectives and values as a company?

Don’t forget that all this answers will guide you from scratch to your day to day communication and attitudes as a company. Your company’s brand is like a person’s DNA, you cannot change and you have to live for it.

  1. Have a simple and coherent message

What really matters for most of the clients is the way you present your products. So, it’s not just about what it is, what are the components or where they were made (even though it is obligatory), but you have to communicate why they should have your products.

Focus on how your product is going to help, satisfy or make them feel better. And it should be based on the values and objectives you have defined before. Maybe it’s more natural, cruelty free, makes people feel prettier, doesn’t pollute or gives people status. I don’t know, the possibilities here are infinite and you have to find yours based on your DNA.

  1. Develop a consistent visual communication

Think about Apple. Probably a very inspiring and cheering image of Steve Jobs came to your mind. This is not just because he was the face of Apple, it’s because every Apple’s publicity involved this persona in the brand communication, transmitting simplicity and high tech. Apple is a great model of brand communication as it goes beyond competitors: they created a bond between people and their brand, product and service.

Of course, you have to do and show what you promise (not Apple), otherwise you are going to fail. If you say that you are communicative, open minded, simple or high tech, you have to really show that to your clients in every contact points.

  1. Get inside social media

After you have a strategy (defined brand), you can connect with your customers through social media. You don’t have to be in all of them. Choose the ones you know your target public is most active on and make sure you take it serious to end up bringing good leads to your company.

Here you are going to maintain the same consistency and coherence on communication like you established before. Formal, informal, using slangs or not. And images goes the same way. If you prioritize something fun or serious, good quality, important, relevant, you name it. You have to stick and be true to your brand in every post, share, comment and like.

  1. Let your customers know you

Many people choose one company instead of others because they know and trust their owners. This is a fact for small companies in small cities. So, show who you are and make your good reputation be known so people choose your brand because of your image.

  1. Be creative

Say goodbye to the traditional communication. For example, a company with products for kids could use a childish language to speak to their clients on the email marketing or packaging. Do some brainstorm with your team and list some creative actions you could add to call people’s attention. Just be careful to stick to your initial strategy, ok?

  1. Manage all the contact points between company and clients

Never forget: reputation is about consistency and coherency. So, the image you create and share has to be felt by the client during his shopping experience. Talking to the support, to sales or to you. You must worry about training your employees to establish a pattern during all the processes — from calls to social media to physical contact.

  1. Remind people about your brand

Your clients need to be constantly reminded about your brand. People easily forget about your values and worldwide companies took a long time to get where they are now (Nike, Apple, Starbucks…). If you want your brand to be recognized for something you need to remind your customers over and over again. Always in a different and creative way. Don’t forget to use what you already got: e-mail marketing, social media, blog,…

  1. Think big, be big

Being a small business doesn’t mean you are a small player. The conception and strategy of your brand is going to be essential to help your company be seen as a real player. Take it seriously and use it to build confidence and capture clients.

Do you have other tips to share? Let us know!



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