Online Mock Interviews
2 min readSep 15, 2022


Social science is the scientific study of human society, and its relationships. This branch of research is extremely important because it examines the meaning of social beings, how people function in organized groups and societies, as well as how they interact on common issues. This is still too broad to give proper guidance to an early-career researcher like myself. A researcher on the path to social change. Social research must be problem-driven in order to be socially relevant. The most pressing issues of our time are, I believe.

(2) Intercultural Conflicts Religious controversies, New Sources of Violence and Pathways to Democracy, Tolerance, Equality, Peace and Peace.

(3) Unbridled Reliance on Technology of Digitalisation and Automation/AI Leading to Individual Deskilling, Societal Depoliticisation, New Political Economy of Tech Giants, and Loss of Social Competence.

This does not mean we can’t tackle these problems immediately. It is true that over 100 years of social research has provided us with important insights. But, as the environment changes, so does our ability to find answers.

I asked myself the following question: What are the most pressing questions in social science? I set out to find the most important questions social scientists need to address today. These are the unresolved problems that young scholars should be working on. I was able to find a few. It is important to pay attention to the most pressing social science issues in order to have the tools we need to solve these problems. While we have the freedom to choose our cases and methods of analysis and test different theories, the society (and the tax-payers), is obligated to us to act at the edges of human knowledge and be socially relevant while keeping the big picture in mind.

