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Stoicism meaning and values

Jason Smith
4 min readNov 20, 2023

When I first heard the word stoicism I thought it was just another trend that had gained popularity lately, and that it would go away just as quickly as it had arrived. Turns out I was wrong.

That’s what I’d like to share here today, the lessons I’ve learned from this philosophy and how it can help you just as it has helped me.

The Origins of Stoic Values

Back in ancient Greece, the Stoics, a school of thought that included philosophers like Zeno, Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, established the foundation for a philosophy that would persist throughout history.

Stoicism emerged as a practical response to life’s intricacies during a time of both personal and political instability.

Picture a landscape where societal and individual turbulence demanded not just contemplation but action.

Zeno, the founding figure, established the school of Stoicism in Athens, providing a space where individuals could learn the art of living virtuously, facing adversity with resilience, and finding a sense of tranquility in a world full of chaos.

Seneca, a prominent Stoic philosopher, grappled with the political intricacies of the Roman Empire, offering insights that transcended the bounds of his era.

Epictetus, born a slave, rose to become one of the most influential Stoic philosophers, emphasizing the power of personal choice and the significance of cultivating a robust internal state.

And then there’s Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor, who, amid the weight of leading an empire, found solace and wisdom in Stoic principles.

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What is Stoicism? The Meaning behind Stoic Philosophy

At its core, Stoicism is a practical philosophy centered on understanding the boundaries of our control.

Stoicism teaches us to focus on the things we can influence — our thoughts, actions, and reactions — and leave the rest to the unpredictable flow of life.

Digging deeper, it encourages a mindset shift toward acceptance and acknowledging reality without letting it toss us around.

Moreover, Stoicism shines a light on the power of resilience. It’s about facing challenges head-on with a calm and collected mindset.

In essence, Stoicism is an invitation to engage with life more intentionally, to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and to foster an internal stability amid external circumstances.

How You Can Apply Stoicism Philosophy in Your Life

Now that you’ve seen the meaning of Stoicism, you can bring it into your life and start building your own stoic daily routine. No need for a toga — just an understanding of the basic stoic beliefs to navigate the modern chaos.

Acceptance in Action

Embrace the uncontrollable: Traffic jams, unexpected setbacks — life’s full of them. Instead of fuming, practice acceptance. Acknowledge the situation, breathe, and remind yourself: you control your reaction.

The Power of Pause

Before reacting, take a beat: In a world of instant reactions, Stoicism suggests a moment of pause. When faced with a challenging email or a frustrating situation, give yourself a moment. Respond, don’t react.

Mind Your Mindset

Reframe challenges as opportunities: Stoicism encourages you to shift your mindset from “Why is this happening to me?” to “What can I learn from this?”.

The Joy of Simple Pleasures

Find happiness in the ordinary: Stoicism is a reminder that joy isn’t confined to grand achievements. It’s in the warmth of sunlight, the aroma of coffee. Take time to appreciate the simple, everyday pleasures that often slip by unnoticed.

Resilience as a Superpower

Face challenges with a stoic mindset: Approach challenges as opportunities for growth, not as impassable obstacles.

Inner Peace Amid the Storm

Cultivate tranquility within: It’s all about our internal response to chaos. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or whatever helps you center yourself amidst the external whirlwind.

Focus on What You Can Control

Identify spheres of influence: Stoicism advises focusing on what you can control — your reactions, decisions, and attitude. Direct your energy where it matters most.

Gratitude Practice

Count blessings, not problems: Stoicism encourages a gratitude mindset. Regularly reflect on what you’re grateful for. It shifts the focus from what’s lacking to the abundance already present in your life.

By weaving these Stoic principles into your daily routine, you’re enhancing your ability to navigate the challenges of the modern world with resilience, mindfulness, and a sprinkle of ancient wisdom.

It’s clear that this ancient philosophy isn’t a relic confined to history books but a robust toolkit for modern living.

Consider Stoicism a companion rather than a set of rigid rules. It doesn’t promise a life free from challenges; instead, it equips you with the mindset and tools to face them head-on.

In a world where chaos is the norm, Stoicism offers a roadmap for finding tranquility within.

By applying Stoic principles — accepting what we can’t change, focusing on what we can, and finding joy in the ordinary — we pave a path toward a more intentional, fulfilling existence.

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Jason Smith

Hey there! I'm Jason Smith, an entrepreneur passionate about sharing strategies on personal development. I write about AI, how to make money online, and more!