You Are Not Falling Behind

Trust Me, I’ve Been There Too

Jason Smith
5 min readNov 29, 2023

I’d like to have a heart-to-heart conversation with those of you who are going through — or have gone through — that feeling we all know too well: the fear of falling behind.

In the midst of social media highlight reels and societal expectations, it’s easy to feel like you’re not measuring up.

We’ve all been there, seeing other people’s successes and sometimes feeling like we’re in a race against time, that somehow, we might be lagging behind.

But pause for a moment. The narrative you’re living is distinctly yours, shaped by the highs and lows, victories and defeats that have sculpted the person you are today.

Your story is yours alone.

Sometimes, we forget that the purpose of our journey is not to keep pace with others but to find our own rhythm. Our journey isn’t a competition; it’s a personal exploration, a discovery of who we are and what truly matters.

But let me be clear, this is not just a conversation — it’s a reminder that your narrative is extraordinary, that every twist and turn, every win and every loss, is part of a grand canvas only YOU can create.

The Curse of Comparison

Now, let’s talk about the sneaky villain we all deal with at some point –comparison. I still sometimes feel it crawling in, whispering, “Are you keeping up? Look at what they’ve achieved; why haven’t you?

As unconscious as it is, comparison, my friend, is a tricky game. And the toll it takes is real. It creeps in, and silently erodes our self-esteem and casts shadows on our victories.

Comparison fuels self-doubt, making us question our worth and capabilities. It’s a toxic mindset that can seep into every aspect of our lives, hindering our progress and stifling our happiness.

But here’s the deal — breaking free from the Curse of Comparison is possible. It starts with acknowledging that everyone’s journey is different. Your path has its own timeline and whatever ought to happen, will happen.

Long ago, I remember reading what you would call a “motivational quote” that deeply resonated with me at the time. The quote was something like this:

The real magic happens when you shift your focus from what others are doing to what makes your journey uniquely yours.

Trusting Yourself When the Noise is Too Loud

I know, building confidence is easier said than done. It requires a conscious effort to drown out the noise of comparison and societal expectations.

Confidence doesn’t come from measuring up to others but from embracing your strengths, acknowledging your growth, and believing in your potential.

Societal benchmarks don’t define success; your personal fulfillment does.

Trusting yourself is a powerful antidote to the cacophony of external influences. Your dreams and aspirations, no matter how unconventional, are valid. And you gotta have the audacity to pursue what sets your soul on fire, even when the world insists on a conventional path.

Think about the times you’ve silenced your inner voice because it didn’t align with societal norms, or maybe because you thought someone else would judge you for it.

I dare you to amplify that voice, to follow your intuition, and to go ahead with courage.

I wouldn’t like to downplay the challenges here. Trusting yourself is a continuous journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment, and can be really hard to achieve — at least it was for me.

So, how do you go through this path of self-trust? Well, it begins with self-reflection.

Understand your values and your passions, and, most importantly, surround yourself with positivity — people who inspire and uplift you.

How to Follow Your Own Path with Confidence

Now, I would like to share some ideas that have helped me personally. They might not be for you, some may even sound obvious or stupid, but I’m sure they can help you tremendously.

Define Your North Star

Begin by clearly defining your goals. What truly matters to you? What do you want to achieve? I sometimes see my goals as my North Star — without them, I’d be pretty lost.

So, be specific, be intentional, and most importantly, let your goals align with your authentic self.

What does Success Mean to YOU

To me, success is not about having a Lambo or expensive clothes. But, success is a subjective concept. Define your own parameters rather than relying on society’s standards.

Break It Down

Monumental goals can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller steps. These bite-sized milestones not only make your journey more manageable but also provide a constant sense of accomplishment, reinforcing your confidence along the way.

Celebrate Your Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate every success, regardless of size. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a win.

It can be as simple as waking up a bit earlier or completing an easy task. These moments are the building blocks of your self-assurance, reminding you of your capacity for greatness.

Never Listen to People Who are Not Where You Want to Be

Most people will tell you to share your dreams and aspirations with others around you. I won’t, unless those people share your vision and can genuinely uplift and encourage you.

Everyone Has An Opinion

I remember internalizing this when I was still a child, after considering whether the suffering I caused myself by giving so much importance to the negative opinions of others added anything to my life.

Since then, I follow one rule: I only listen to the opinions of those who know and care about me, if their feedback is constructive. Everything else is just noise.

Stay Authentic and True to Your Values

In a world that often encourages conformity, staying true to yourself is an act of courage. Your journey should align with your values — stay true to what matters to you.

Failure is Your Ally

Failure is not the opposite of success but a part of it. There have been countless times where I’ve made mistakes, and also countless times where I could learn a valuable lesson from them.

Keep evolving, learn from experiences, seek knowledge, and remain open to failures, as they will ultimately contribute to your personal growth.

So, my friend, if you ever feel like you’re falling behind, remember this: you’re not alone, and you’re certainly not lagging.

Life is not a race nor a competition; it’s a marathon, and every step you take is progress. Trust yourself and keep moving forward.

The world needs extraordinary and unique people like you, each following their own path at their own pace.

You are not falling behind; you are on your own remarkable journey.



Jason Smith

Hey there! I'm Jason Smith, an entrepreneur passionate about sharing strategies on personal development. I write about AI, how to make money online, and more!