10 Top Patanjali giloy ghan vati

Patanjali Products
2 min readSep 19, 2018


Giloy is an Ayurvedic medicine. Its botanical name is Tinospora Cordifolia, and in Sanskrit, it is known by many names like Goodchi, Amrita. It is a vine or a vine that is planted in the trees, walls and pots etc. It is easily supplied with the help of the rope, climbing trees often live in the parks. Giloy, which is the basis of the tree, its properties also get absorbed in it. As Neem tree climbs, there are neem properties in Giloy.

Patanjali Giloy Ghan Vati Benefits

1. In many research in modern science, it has also been proved that Giloy is very useful in diseases as well as in medicine and medicine. According to researchers, there are many properties like anti-cow urine, analgesic, antipyretic and immune booster.

2. Viral fever like chikungunya, which connects the patient even after recovery, bothers the joint with pain, in such cases, Giloy is a gift given to us by nature. In Ayurveda, Giloy has useful math in many diseases.

3. Glucose is beneficial for all types of fever. Especially useful in relieving dengue, chickengunia, swine flu prevention, treatment and subsequent side effects, and also beneficial in cold, cough and joint. Apart from fever-reducing, after any long disorder, it is also used in chemistry to remove weakness. Giloy is very beneficial in removing all types of chronic fever.

4. Giloy works as a chemical. It cleanses the blood into the body.

5. Giloy is our intellectual power.

6. Glucose cholesterol is less and helps in the control of sugar in the blood.

7. Due to the regular use of Gloria, the face comes fast and fails only wrinkles.

8. Giloy Tridoshnawan is the people of any nature to carry it.

9. Giloy is helpful in repairing the digestive system and ending problems with its intake.

10. Anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties are also beneficial in arthritis.

