Why You Should Not Ignore Bing Product Ads

ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2017

If you run an internet company, you are continuously working towards optimising your Cost of Acquisition (CAC). Obviously, you employ a multitude of complex math and logic to do this. Unfortunately, under this messy garb, sometimes we miss the obvious and simple levers.

Bing Product Ads: Simple & Very Powerful

Bing Product Ads are image ads which appear to the right of Bing Ads on Bing search pages. Here is an example of a Bing Product Ad:

While Bing Product Ads are similar to Google Product Listing Ads on many fronts, Bing Product Ads use different terms than Google. It may surprise you that Bing Ads has some powerful advantages for advertisers that Google simply doesn’t.

Let’s see what do we get with Bing Product Ads:

Additional traffic

You might not have realized it, but Bing reaches a phenomenal number of people on a monthly basis and is a powerful search engine in its own right.

Here are some amazing stats that back up that statement (Source) –

Bing Ads has less competition and cheaper CAC

Bing Ads uses a similar auction dynamic as the AdWords auction, so the advertisers on Bing have numerous benefits from a lack of competition, such as better ad positions and cheaper costs per click. Of our extensive managed services clients who were advertising on both Google and Bing, we saw nearly 36% lower CAC on Bing Product Ads.

Maintain visibility on all the PLA slots

Not many people consider using Bing Ads as a means of getting in front of their target audience, as they themselves don’t use the Bing search engine on a daily basis. It’s worth noting that because a lot of people ignore Bing Ads, there is less competition and more space available to your Product Listing Ads. Hence, it is easy to maintain visibility.

As Robert Liparulo said, “Knowledge was like candy: you never turned it down, especially if you didn’t have to work too hard to get it” — so is an incremental business in the ever competitive digital space. And therefore I ask you — Are you running Bing yet?

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OnlineSales.ai is an AI-Driven E-Commerce Marketing Platform. Led by Ex-Amazonians the platform is made by retailers for retailers.

OnlineSales.ai is retailer’s operating system for user acquisition, retention and monetization.

At its core, the platform gathers and mines billions of data points to build product catalog intelligence, user personas and dynamics of retail economics.

This system intelligence is combined with technology automation on an OnlineSales platform that now hosts connected apps across marketing, user experience and data technologies — all on a single platform.

Originally published at onlinesales.ai on March 23, 2017.



ART + marketing

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