Honest FlexiFunnels Review — Here’s the Truth!!

In this review, I am gonna give you the details of what I found using FlexiFunnels and whether it
is really worth it or not.
First thing first, I have to say that I am impressed with FlexiFunnels. That’s because it is a
one-stop solution for anyone looking to make profits online.
In this review I am gonna cover what it does, who it is for, what’s the price, is it worth the price
and the good & the bad of FlexiFunnels.

Sahil Sahu
12 min readJul 25, 2022
What is FlexiFunnels

What is FlexiFunnels?
FlexiFunnels is a funnel builder product.
- It creates high-quality landing pages that open at a real quick lightning-fast speed
- Creates high converting checkout pages to collect payments

- Manages all your integrations in one place
- Hosts your courses within the platform if you are a course creator
- Creates funnels and sequences like upsells, downsells, etc

Plus it does a lot more things like:
- Automatic SSL
- Hosts & delivers your digital assets
- Leads centralization
- Sales reporting
- Advanced analytics
- and a lot more…

Let’s have a look at the features one by one in detail:

Landing page builder

1.) Landing page builderFlexiFunnels landing page builder allows ANYONE even from a
non-coding background to create landing pages or sales pages online with a simple
drag & drop ease. You can create any page like a lead generation page, webinar

registration page, replay page, sales page, local business page, product page or ANY
kind of page that you can think of.
It comes with more customization options than I have ever seen anywhere in any page
builder. The detailing of all the elements is fantastic and gives you a lot of options to
create any kind of page that you want.

Lightning Fast Speed & Accelerated Page Delivery

2.) Lightning Fast Speed & Accelerated Page Delivery — I am super impressed with the
lightning-fast speed of the pages made on FlexiFunnels. They open in a flash within a
second. Literally, I have not seen any page open that quick anytime before. All the pages
I have made on FlexiFunnels whether big or small, open in a second.
Opening your pages at such a fast speed has a huge advantage.

Have a look at these quoted statements below:
“1 second of load lag time would cost Amazon $1.6 Billion in sales per year” — Amazon
“When load times jump from 1 second to 4 seconds, conversions decline sharply. For
every 1 second of improvement, we experience a 2% conversion increase” — Walmart

It’s clear, that a loading lag of even 1-second costs you a lot of money that you don’t
even notice. So if your pages are not opening in a flash like FlexiFunnels, you are
leaving a lot of money on the table every single day. FlexiFunnels adds all that extra
revenue to your pockets without you even noticing!

Integrated Payment Method & Converting Checkout Pages

3.) Integrated Payment Method & Converting Checkout Pages

FlexiFunnels payment
method integrations allows you to collect payments online.
Here’s the best part:
You can create your own high-converting checkout pages in FlexiFunnels for collecting
payments. It means no longer you have to use the dull & boring checkout pages of the
payment gateways that are not at all conversion friendly.
FlexiFunnels checkout page has great advantages like:
- add your testimonials
- bullets
- final reminders
- value stacking
- last minute scarcity
- coupon code
- trusted payment seal
- and basically, anything that helps you in increasing your conversions. They are
fully customizable.
Not just that, it allows you to add your remarketing pixel on the checkout page so you
can remarket to your lost visitors. Plus it has an inbuilt cart abandon sequence to recover
your lost payments. And the best thing, is it has a bump offer method as well that
increases your average cart value. Hence, increases your profits.
So using FlexiFunnels checkout pages is really a huge deal that increases your profit
margins while cutting down your costs.

Advanced Funnel Logics

4.) Funnel Builder — If you have been in & around the online marketing world now, you must
be knowing that “Funnels” helps you generate the maximum amount of profits online.
With FlexiFunnels you can create funnel logics like
- lead generation
- sales funnel
- Upsells

  • Downsells
    - and any kind of logic that you like
  • Creating a funnel immediately explodes up your profit margins. We have seen results like
    DOUBLING or TRIPLING the amount of profits because of the presence of a good funnel.
    Moreover, FlexiFunnels is the FIRST funnel builder based in India that allows product
    creators in India to create Funnels, sell their products & grow their profits.
Advanced Integrations

5.) Advanced Integrations — This for me is the winning feature. That’s because of the
amount of cost & headache it saves you.
For example, without FlexiFunnels:
- if you want to create a sequence in which people register for your webinar and get
added to your email list at the same time, you would need a solution like Zapier to do it
for you.
- Or if you are selling something and you want the online data to pass from your payment
gateway to your email list and then to your product from where it gets delivered, it will
require even heavier use of Zapier & similar tools.
If you are operating at a decent scale, you would need budgets of upwards of $100-$200
per month (minimum) to manage all these tasks.
FlexiFunnels has all these integrations built in already. So you never have to worry about
the additional costs & headaches of running the online business. Everything is included
in FlexiFunnels.

Inbuilt Fully Secure Course & Membership area

6.) Inbuilt Fully Secure Course & Membership area — If you are a course creator, this
feature is a massive plus for you. You can host your courses right inside FlexiFunnels.
One huge thing is that the paid courses hosted on FlexiFunnels are fully secure.
Meaning the videos cannot be downloaded. Plus, there are more security features that
ensures your course piracy cannot happen. That’s a huge thing if you are even a bit
aware of how big a thing course piracy is. It will save & make you a lot of money as a
course creator.
And just by hosting your courses on FlexiFunnels, you will:
- Save the additional monthly cost of hosting your course somewhere

- Save the monthly cost of an integration software like Zapier
FlexiFunnels course area is lightning quick. I have not seen such fast course
membership platform ever before.
Moreover, hosting your courses on FlexiFunnels helps you generate more profits by
saving your refunds!!
Let me explain.
Let’s think about a course buyer… The first thing that any course buyer would be
looking for right after any course purchase is course access. The majority of people who
purchase a course online, are in that puzzle & confusion mode thinking about whether
they made the right decision or not.
They are already short on confidence as soon as they make the purchase. And then
imagine… they don’t receive the access immediately because usually 2 or 3 different
products are involved in sending course access which takes time. Normally, most course
sellers use payment gateways to take payments & then zapier to pass on the data and
then another email SMTP software service is required that delivers course access.
Overall, it easily takes up to 2–5 minutes to deliver course access. Not even talking about
the hassle that is involved in managing 3–4 different softwares all the time just for
creating a system that works.
Many times you would have seen course creators mentioning something like this: “Do
check your spam folder for the access”.
Do you even realize the negative impact it has on your first-time buyers?
Your course access is in the “SPAM” folder!!
Unknowingly it dents the confidence of your buyers & creates the possibility of at least 1
out of 100 refunds in the longer run.
With FlexiFunnels, your course access is delivered instantly right on the Thank
You page. Plus, it is also sent via email. That’s what you call good customer service.
This automatically reduces the burden on your support people & saves you a ton of
Plus, there are so many more advanced course features. Mentioning a few of them

● Fully mobile responsive membership area
● Drip-Feed Content on a specific date

● Drip-Feed Content as per specific days passed
● Multiple courses inside one membership
● Divide your single course into multiple bundles containing limited modules &
lessons. So you can choose to sell different versions of your single course. Let’s
say a lite & a premium version. Only the modules & lessons which are selected in
a bundle will be unlocked. Remaining will be locked.
● Bundle Upselling — Option to add sales page/checkout page link in the locked
lessons of a course
● Automatic buyers access sent via email via your name & email
● Security Feature — Only two people can log in at a time with one access
credentials. If any third person tries to log in, then the first person will be instantly
logged out
● Security Feature — Name & Email of the course buyer will be visible inside the
course videos to the respective buyer at multiple places randomly. So no one can
screen record.

7.) Mentoring by Saurabh Bhatnagar — Famous funnel expert Saurabh Bhatnagar is the
founder of FlexiFunnels. He has added a lot of trainings inside FlexiFunnels that can
help even a total newbie become an online expert & start making huge profits
Trainings are included for Traffic, Marketing, Copywriting, Course creation, Course
marketing, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Social Media/Digital Marketing Agency &
more. They have even included training on how to research clients and how to
approach & close them.
Saurabh Bhatnagar has created thousands of success stories of his students making a
killing online because of his trainings, courses & events.
Over here, you are getting an opportunity to get all of his training material for
absolutely free along with the group guidance from him. Plus you are getting
“FlexiFunnels” that takes care of your every single online business requirement. With
this, you will be all set for making huge profits online.

There are tons of other features that are worth talking about.

For example:
- the landing pages you make are automatically fully responsive
- 300+ ready-to-use website pages for almost every purpose (ex — lead generation,
webinar registration, sales page, etc)
- domain mapping to ensure all your funnels & pages are run over your domain
- digital assets delivery to deliver your digital products in a flash
- tracking pixels or any other embed code can be inserted on all your pages
- your contacts remain centralized in one dashboard
- one single panel for all your sales reporting
- advanced analytics to help you improve your conversions
- automatic SSL for all your pages & funnels
- DDOS protected pages
and there is a lot more…
… it will take another 5000 words if I go on & write about everything that is inside FlexiFunnels.
However, there are 2 more things that I should really talk about. They are extra money-making
opportunity that comes with FlexiFunnels:

1.) Commercial Rights — You have full rights to create the landing pages, build funnels &
courses for your clients.
There are so many businesses that want to come online. Especially now, after the
impact of Covid during which so many businesses were shut down for months. Even
small local businesses like restaurants, gyms, dentists, etc have realized the importance
of their business being present online.
Now, all that you need to do is reach out to them to help them get online. They are
already ready. They just need someone to help them move online.
Plus, there are other clients always available like SAAS owners, coaches, consultants,
authors and so many more. You can create pages & funnels for them and charge
anywhere between Rs 25,000 to Rs 1 Lakh to 2 Lakhs for a single funnel.
You are also getting proven trainings by Saurabh Bhatnagar on how to research &
close clients. So that will help you in starting/scaling this income stream for yourself.

2.) Automatic Affiliate — This is a passive source of income opportunity that comes with

All the buyers of FlexiFunnels automatically become the affiliate of FlexiFunnels & then
they have this great feature that enables a very small “Made With FlexiFunnels” badge
on all of your pages (optional — you can disable it too).
When anyone clicks on the badge & takes up a FlexiFunnels subscription, you get paid
for it every single month or year depending on the subscription they take. It’s a
great passive source of money-making opportunity that comes with FlexiFunnels by
doing nothing extra.

Who is it for?
I would say FlexiFunnels is a perfect fit for ANYONE who wants to earn or grow their profits
Local businesses, coaches, consultants, network marketers, affiliates, digital product creators,
authors, entrepreneurs, digital marketers or anybody who wants to scale their business
online. They need FlexiFunnels.
As you know, Funnels are highly responsible for 10Xing the profit of any online business.
FlexiFunnels makes it so easy to create profit-producing funnels. That’s why anybody doing any
form of business online needs FlexiFunnels.
Plus, you have already seen the amount of cost “FlexiFunnels” saves you by not using 10
different products & using just one single “FlexiFunnels” software.
Plus, the number of additional profits it adds because of the advanced technology like lesser
page load time, converting checkout pages, bump offers, checkout remarketing, advanced
analytics, etc
And if you are someone who is starting out, you have the huge opportunity to learn from funnel
expert Saurabh’s best training material & earn a lot by working online. Within 2 months, you will
become an expert, plus you will have FlexiFunnels to take care of all of your online
With this single investment, you are opening a full online earning opportunity for you.

The Good:
- Super fast speed
- Drag & drop landing page builder
- High converting checkout pages — adds to your profits

- Integrated payment methods
- Funnel builder — India’s first
- Advanced integrations
- Inbuilt fully secure course membership area
- Centralized leads & sales reporting
- Advanced Analytics
- High level mentoring
- Commercial rights
- Passive earning opportunity — automatic affiliate access

The bad:
Maybe the only bad thing is that there are a lot of features inside FlexiFunnels & it would take a
proper learning curve of at least 1 week just to understand what all features are there.
But as we know that it is ultimately ending the need & cost of 10 different products so it has to
be time taking to understand.
The good thing is that the training material provided is fantastic & completely step by step.
Moreover, the Facebook group is a fantastic community that is full of answers & helpful people.
So that helps you overall. Plus creates networking opportunities.

The Awesome:
Business centralization.
If you see you are cutting down on almost 10 different monthly recurring softwares to run
an online business & the headache of managing them to keep them running altogether.
FlexiFunnels is your one-stop software to manage & run your complete online business from
one single place.

Overall I would say it’s an awesome product.
It is ultimately solving the need of any digital marketer or any online business enthusiast.
You can make landing pages by simple drag & drop even if you have zero technical

The smart inbuilt features exponentially increase the profit margins & truly helps you in
cutting down the costs. So overall more profits.
Plus as a launch special bonus, it comes up with great mentoring from the best funnel expert
Saurabh Bhatnagar who has created thousands of success stories one after the other just from
his courses & training materials. You are getting all of it included in the special launch.
So it makes perfect sense for you to get FlexiFunnels during the special launch period.
Launch date : — 15 august 2022 ( You get Official Website Here)

