Marketing Tip: Don’t sell weight loss programs to fat people

Or why you are targeting the wrong audience for your marketing campaigns

Ron Stethson
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2017


When you are marketing a product or service, it is common sense to reach out to the people who might benefit the most from your product. So if you have to sell a weight loss program, you find out overweight people, see where they hang out, follow which platforms they hang out and plan your entire marketing strategy around these “observations”.

So you stand on the busiest square of your city and start handing out brochures of your product to all the overweight people that you find.

Will this work? … maybe… most probably not.


Because most of these guys don’t realize that they have a problem related to weight. Even if they realize it, they do not consider it a serious enough problem to do something about it. Even if they think it is a serious problem, perhaps the cost that you are asking for your solution is more than what they are already spending (home remedies, dieting etc that cost almost nothing) and so on. You get the idea.

These guys are not searching for a new product to buy.

So what do you do?

You go to the gym and start talking to some of the fittest people there. In fact talk to anybody who is at the gym.

I know, it sounds counter-intuitive. After all, they don’t need your program. they don’t have weight related problems. They are already solving their problem with an existing solution.

But did you notice… these are the ones that understand that being overweight is a problem. And on top of that, most importantly, they are already spending money to manage their weight and fitness. They compare the cost of your solution with the existing cost of gym memberships and food supplements and healthy diets and so on.

You have a much better chance of selling your product there.

So the final takeaway from all this is:

If you are selling something, do not sell it to people who need it, sell it to people who want it and who are already spending money for something similar

I am learning to market my product “Online Marketing Wizard”. I believe that the best way to learn something is to share my knowledge with others. Therefore whenever I learn something interesting, I write about it. Do follow me as I share whatever I learn through these short and simple articles.



Ron Stethson
ART + marketing

Ron helps busy developers automate their online marketing & customer support at