The Sanctions Kill

Mr. Obama do you know you are killing the people of Iran!

Mehdi Saharkhiz


Mr. President I am a proud US citizen, and the first time I ever voted in the USA was for you. I voted for the change you promised, for the hope you bring to me for every time you smile, for your policies of peace, for a safer world in which the country I left behind and love is not bombed. But Mr. president when people die because of sanctions, people wonder if this is not war, or when people die when a plane crashes because there are no parts to maintain it, or when Iranians are bedridden in hospitals because the medicine they need is inaccessible due to sanctions, one is to wonder what is the difference of sanctions and war.

Mr. President the sanctions on Iran are not effecting the government as you once hoped. They are now only tools for a governorment to use as a force agaisnt it’s people, give them one more reason to blame their problems on the west.

Mr. President my dad, Isa Saharkhiz has been under arrest for over 4 years now. He spoke his mind, so the people of the world can hear the warmth in the heart of every Iranian, but when the tools the writtters needs to spread their voices are sanctioned, it is like chocking those who are already under water.

Mr. president you know hope and change; you ran your campaign on hope and change. Four years ago when the votes of the Iranian people were stolen, they lost almost all hope; but they fought, and they fought hard. Four years later, they voted once again, not necessarily for the candidate of their choice, but for the candidate that promised hope and change. Please don’t squander that hope with more sanctions. Don’t add pressure to the lives of those in the hospitals; let them have their medicine so they can breathe, give the voiceless the tools they need to talk. Give my people tools they need so they can take their wings and fly.

Mr. President, My new President of Iran says he has a key, a key to change, please meet him at the door and welcome him.



Mehdi Saharkhiz

Talks about #iranelection in english so this side of the workd knows what is going on. Left Iran so accepts the choices of those in #Iran @onlymehdi