Colors that affect your appetite…

2 min readNov 30, 2016


Colors that kills your appetite


The color gray generally turns people away from the thought of food. Have you ever seen a plate full of gray food that looked appetizing?

Gray is definitely a color restaurant owners should stay away from when it comes time to painting the interior of a dining room.


The color black is used to cause a person’s appetite to diminish. While it might be a slimming color when worn, it is not one that should be used in the kitchen or dining room to stimulate hunger.

Very few restaurants incorporate black or any dark colors at all for that matter when decorating.

They want to promote thoughts of food, not squelch them.


The color brown is another dark color that tends to make people not feel very hungry. Brown reminds people of food that has been overdone or burnt. A few people might think of homemade bread or other baked goods when looking at the color brown, but for the most part this is a color not associated with an increase in one’s appetite.


The color purple is rarely found in the world of foods. When it is present, it is often attached to foods not everyone enjoys; eggplant, red onions, and purple cabbage. Very few people find these foods tasty enough to drool over, so the color purple rarely makes people feel hungry.

Colors that make you hungry


The color green is such a healthy color. Salads are filled with green foods. Many people are attracted to the color green and associated it with abundance. This is a good color to promote healthy eating and lots of it.


The color yellow makes most people very happy. It’s a cheery color that is noticeable in most surroundings. When people are happy, they are more likely to eat than when they are feeling sad or overly calm.


The color orange stimulates the brain, which increases mental activity and often stirs up a sensation of hunger. Many healthy foods are orange; butternut squash, carrots, oranges, and pumpkins just to name a few. Orange is a color that makes people feel welcome and when someone is comfortable, eating sounds like a great idea.


The color red raises a person’s blood pressure, heart rate, and causes hunger to be more prevalent. This is why many restaurants choose to have red table cloths on tables or red accents on the walls. Red is an excellent color to paint the main room of an establishment where food is sold.

Not all of these colors have the same effect on each person.

