3 min readAug 30, 2018

New on-demand task services app ‘OnQall’ to offer services beyond major city areas

OnQall is the first mobile app which will offer on-demand task services to non-urban communities beyond main city areas. The app promises secured and quality on demand task services by local vetted service providers.

Good news for Tampa Bay county residents. A new breakthrough on-demand task services app is soon to be launched to offer services for all the counties across the Tampa Bay. Aptly named “OnQall”, the app is the FIRST of its kind to extend on demand services beyond major city areas.

OnQall is aimed to offer a convenient way for homeowners and small businesses to get different chores done around the house or office in just a push of a button. Alongside, the app is also dedicated to offer employment opportunities for those who are looking for part-time jobs and a handy additional income. OnQallers will be able to make something like $25-$40 an hour.

OnQall will be initially launched in Tampa Florida Bay area this fall and will immediately branch out to surrounding counties and abroad to bring this service to everyone. “On-demand task service apps are nothing new. But the problem is these apps are mostly restricted to major city areas and does not offer assistance to surrounding regions, although there is a need for it. OnQall is all set to change the scene for better with its provision of quality on-demand tasks beyond the city areas. Yes, we are the first on-demand task app which will cater to non-urban communities as well”, .

It’s as easy as 1–2–3 to use the app to get your tasks done.

First you will have to post your chore on the app interface. OnQall allows users to choose from a wide range of categories, ranging from commercial cleaning to lawn mowing to kitchen cleaning to even yoga tuition.

In the next step, the user will choose the most suitable OnQaller (service provider) from a wide network on local and thoroughly vetted OnQallers on the app. All the OnQaller profiles come with pictures of the service providers, the jobs they do and rates. The profiles also contain reviews posted by other users for whom the OnQallers have performed a service previously. After the user chooses the most suitable OnQaller, s/he can contact him and provide the task details. The OnQaller will reach the designated premise as soon as possible, in no more than 1 hour to 90 minutes. User can pay the OnQaller after the job is done and through the app. There is no question of cash transaction here to make the process more secured and convenient.

“We will be launching in Florida first as there is a large amount of senior citizens here who often need assistance to run errands for them. The sad part is, we often hear reports of them being scammed by scam contractors who don’t think twice before taking advantage of their helplessness in their old age. But OnQall will protect the elderly from these unscrupulous characters through its unique payment mechanism.”

The app assures a very responsive support team and users can report them immediately about the problem. If an OnQaller has not done the job right, s/he will be sent back to the customer immediately and payment will be only released when the customer is fully satisfied with the work.

The app will be available for FREE for both Android and iOS devices.

For more information, please visit OnQall.com.