Defensive Driving: Tips and Tricks You Must Know

5 min readJul 28, 2023


Defensive Driving: Tips and Tricks You Must Know

If you’re a news reader, you would have noticed how common road accidents have become. It has come to a stage where approximately 3700 people die in road accidents every day! Some of the key reasons behind these accidents are over-speeding, red light jumping, etc.

Defensive driving is ideal for avoiding these unfortunate occurrences and having a safe driving experience. It decreases the probability of getting into an unexpected situation.

This must make you wonder what defensive driving is. So read the article below to gain in-depth knowledge about defensive driving.

What do you mean by Defensive Driving?

Defensive driving means driving cleverly and safely to avoid accidents. It’s about being careful and alerts while driving and taking necessary steps to protect yourself and others on the road.

Why is Defensive Driving Important?

Defensive driving is crucial for several reasons. Some of them are:

1. Accident Prevention

Defensive driving techniques significantly reduce the risk of accidents by promoting a proactive and cautious approach to driving. Defensive drivers can take measures like staying alert and anticipating potential hazards to avoid collisions.

2. Personal Safety

Defensive driving enhances personal safety for both the driver and their passengers. Defensive drivers maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and avoid distractions to protect themselves from harm in case of unexpected occurrences.

3. Protection of Others

Defensive driving not only safeguards the driver but also protects other road users. Defensive drivers minimise the risk of causing harm to pedestrians, cyclists, and fellow motorists by being mindful of others and leaving adequate space for them.

4. Reduced Insurance Costs

Many insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who have completed defensive driving courses. You can lower your insurance premiums by committing to safe driving practices.

5. Enhanced Confidence and Control

Defensive driving habits enhance a driver’s confidence and control behind the wheel. Furthermore, being prepared for different scenarios and knowing how to respond effectively reduces anxiety and promotes a more relaxed driving experience.

Top 5 Techniques for Defensive Driving

Some essential defensive driving techniques that promote safety and minimise risks on the road are as follows:

1. Maintaining a Safe Following Distance

Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front for adequate reaction time. This gives you more time to respond to sudden stops or changes in traffic conditions.

2. Anticipating and Predicting Hazards

Stay alert and scan the road ahead for potential dangers. Look for signs of aggressive or distracted driving, pedestrians crossing, or vehicles merging. Anticipating these hazards helps you prepare and react promptly.

3. Using Turn Signals and Mirrors

You must indicate your intentions using turn signals early and check your mirrors while driving. Signalling your turns and lane changes alerts other drivers, reducing the risk of collisions and confusion.

4. Adhering to Speed Limits

Follow posted speed limits and adjust your speed according to the prevailing conditions. Speeding reduces your ability to react to sudden situations and increases the severity of accidents.

5. Avoiding Distractions

Distractions while driving can be of many types, such as texting, eating, or grooming. But you must ensure that you focus on the road as these distractions can take your eyes off the traffic and lead to accidents, causing damage to you and others around you.

Common Mistakes You Should Not Make While Driving

To ensure safe and responsible driving, you must ensure you do not make some of the common mistakes given below:

1. Distracted Driving

Distractions like texting, talking, eating, or using electronic devices can hinder your reflex capabilities, increasing the chances of accidents. Hence, you must ensure you focus on the road at all times.

2. Speeding

Speeding reduces your control over the vehicle and increases the risk of accidents, especially in unfavourable road or weather conditions. Hence, you must ensure you don’t exceed the speed limit.

3. Tailgating

Tailgating or not maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles on the road reduces your reaction time and can lead to rear-end collisions. Therefore, you must maintain a safe distance from the vehicles near you.

4. Ignoring Traffic Signals

Failing to obey traffic signals often results in accidents with vehicles coming from other lanes. Hence, you must always adhere to the traffic signals and road markings.

5. Failure to Use Turn Signals

Failing to use turn signals can confuse other drivers and hinder the anticipation of your speed. This further increases the chances of collisions. Therefore, you must always signal your intentions regarding turns or changing lanes.

6. Driving Under the Influence

Driving when you’re drunk or not in your senses compromises your ability to operate a vehicle safely. Furthermore, committing such an offence in Australia is punishable by a fine of $2700 and nine months of imprisonment. Hence you must never drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medications.

7. Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving involves actions such as excessively honking or changing lanes aggressively. These behaviours not only put your safety at risk but also endanger the lives of others on the road.

Tips to Keep in Mind While Learning Defensive Driving

Some essential tips for developing safe and effective driving habits while learning defensive driving are:

1. Enrol in a Defensive Driving Course

Consider taking a defensive driving lesson to learn proper techniques from certified professionals. These courses from a reliable driving school will help you gain valuable knowledge about road safety and provide practical instruction and guidance.

2. Stay Calm and Patient

Maintain a calm and patient attitude while driving and avoid aggressive behaviours such as confrontations with other drivers. A patient mind will allow you to make better decisions and react appropriately to challenging situations.

3. Maintain Awareness and Scan the Road

Continuously scan the road and be aware of your surroundings. Check your mirrors frequently and be prepared to react promptly to changes in traffic conditions.

4. Practice Predictive Driving

Predictive driving involves observing the behaviour of other drivers on the road and anticipating their actions before they happen. It requires a heightened level of situational awareness and the ability to predict the intentions of other drivers. This can be done by staying alert and vigilant.

5. Regularly Check Vehicle Condition

Maintain your vehicle’s condition by regularly checking tire pressure, brakes, lights, and fluid levels. A well-maintained vehicle ensures optimal performance and reduces the chances of unexpected breakdowns, which can further lead to collisions.

Incorporating these practice help you protect yourself and your passengers and promote overall road safety.


Thus, defensive driving is an important aspect of ensuring a safe driving life. Hence, if you are an experienced driver, you must implement defensive driving as a part of your daily driving regime.

Moreover, if you are a beginner, you must take the proper driving lesson to understand defensive driving. Thus, it is highly recommended to look for a reliable driving school.

So if you’re searching for a driving lesson near me, Onroad is the ideal Sydney driving school for an effective defensive driving lesson. Every driving instructor at this Sydney driving school strives to help you hone every defensive driving technique, ensuring you lead a happy driving life.

Contact Onroad today and take a step towards driving safely.

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