RFID In Supply Chain

1 min readJul 10, 2023


RFID In Supply Chain
According to the characteristics of modern logistics informatization, we apply mature RFID technology in supply chain management to the automated logistics management system to effectively manage all links and fully realize the real-time flow of goods and information in the processes of tally, loading, and unloading in and out of ports, and distribute centers. Synchronize. In logistics operations, we use the 900MHz-band system to install electronic tags on each registered consignment vehicle and install readers at the yard and warehouse entrances and exits to accurately locate and efficiently identify vehicles and containers, effectively improving the immediacy and accuracy of automated management.

Read, write and store operating history

Enhanced information security and confidentiality

LAN information exchange

Recognition distance adjustment

For more information about rfid iot devices, please feel free to contact us!There are many rfid manufacturers and electronic article surveillance companies, but we are one of the best choices for you.




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