VADER vs RoBERTa: A Comparison of Sentiment Analysis Models

Onuba Chibuike Winner
4 min readJul 18, 2024


In the world of Natural Language Processing (NLP), sentiment analysis plays a crucial role in understanding and interpreting human emotions from text. Two popular models for this task are VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) and RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach). Let’s dive into a comparison of these models and see how they stack up against each other.

Understanding VADER

VADER is a lexicon-based approach to sentiment analysis. It’s simple, fast, and particularly effective for short texts. Here’s how it works:

- VADER uses a dictionary of words with pre-assigned sentiment scores.
- It analyzes text by referencing this dictionary.
- Words like “happy” might have a positive score, while “sad” would have a negative score.
- VADER then calculates an overall sentiment score based on the words it finds in the text.

This straightforward approach makes VADER an excellent choice for analyzing large volumes of short customer reviews where a quick sentiment overview is needed.

Introducing RoBERTa

RoBERTa, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated, deep learning-based approach. It’s an improvement over the BERT model, designed to enhance performance through optimized pre-training. In our project, ReviewScope, we used the “cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment” model from Hugging Face to classify sentiment in customer product reviews.

RoBERTa’s strengths include:
- More accurate sentiment analysis
- Better understanding of context and sarcasm
- Ability to capture nuanced sentiments


Performance Evaluation

To compare these models, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation:

1. Feature Extraction: We utilized sentiment probabilities from both RoBERTa and VADER, including the probability of a review being positive, neutral, or negative.

2. Model Training: We trained a RandomForestClassifier using these sentiment probabilities as features and actual star ratings as labels.

3. Evaluation Metrics: We assessed the models using precision, recall, and F1 score.

The results were enlightening:

Result for the performance evaluation

RoBERTa outperformed VADER across all metrics:
- Higher precision, indicating fewer false positives
- Better recall, capturing more relevant sentiments with fewer false negatives
- A higher F1 score, showing a more balanced and superior overall performance

View the model notebook here

Real-World Use Cases

To illustrate the difference, let’s look at two example reviews:

1. Positive Review: “With the possible exception of their Fire Roasted Chipotle Salsa (I can’t really taste a significant difference), this is the best salsa out there, in my opinion. There are plenty that are less-costly but if cost is no object, this is the real deal.”

Result: VADER classified this as more neutral or negative, while RoBERTa correctly assigned a high positivity score.

2. Negative Review: “I was definitely expecting a better product from earth’s best. However, these biscuits were not good at all. My son who only has 2 teeth broke these very easily. I will not be buying them again.”

Result: VADER incorrectly classified this as more neutral or positive, whereas RoBERTa accurately assigned a high negativity score.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In summary, the RoBERTa model demonstrates superior performance in sentiment analysis, making it a more reliable and accurate tool compared to VADER. This is particularly crucial for applications requiring detailed and context-aware sentiment understanding.

Moving forward, we recommend:

1. Exploring Hybrid Approaches: Consider combining the strengths of different models to create an even more robust solution.

2. Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate and fine-tune the sentiment analysis approach to ensure optimal performance.

By leveraging the power of advanced models like RoBERTa, businesses can gain deeper insights into customer sentiments, leading to improved product development, customer service, and overall customer satisfaction.

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About the Author:
Onuba Chibuike Winner is a Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, and NLP Engineer passionate about leveraging AI to solve real-world problems.

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