Express vs Fastify performance

Tomorrow Tech Reviews
3 min readJan 9, 2019


The goal of this article is to find out what web framework deliver better performance for simple Node.js microservice.

Almost two years I was a big fan of Express. Now is a time to test something new. Fastify support HTTP2 and can deliver a better performance. Let’s check it out.

How I test

I use two c5.large AWS instances in the same region and the same AZ. One as microservice and another as load testing server.


  • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
  • Nginx as a reverse proxy for Node
  • Node v10.15.0 LTS
  • PM2
  • Express 4.16.4
  • Fastify 1.13.3

Load testing server

  • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
  • wrk

I’ll run two simple apps implemented in Express and Fastify. I’ll start and test one by one. Also, I’ll test four endpoints with a different payload size. Every endpoint I will test with a different number of open connections. Every test duration is 2 minutes.

Source Code


GET /books

Return an array of 10 books.

Win: Fastify

GET /books

GET /books/one

Return only one first book.

Win: Fastify

GET /books/one

GET /books/none

Return empty response.

Possible issue, in Express I use res.end() in Fastify I use res.send(undefined) to return empty result.

Win: Express

GET /books/none

POST /books

Send a POST request and get a short response message.

Win: Fastify

POST /books


Fastify is around 20% faster than Express in almost every request. The only exception is a request with an empty response (possible due to an issue with a code).

The test is done without any schema optimizations, just out of the box.

If you need a microservice boilerplate build with Fastify please check out this repository.

