Beautify your WSL on Windows Terminal

Onur Polattimur
2 min readMar 8, 2020


I use windows subsystem linux (WSL) frequently. Although it corresponds to all my needs, the graphics are not very alluring. I like aesthetic, colorful and customizable things.

I don’t really enjoy things that look like this:

I made a little search on how can I beautify my terminal. I ran into a solution on github. In order to apply this solution you need to install zsh, oh-my-zsh, fonts, etc. Soo boring….

I decided to write a script that lets you customize your terminal with one click. The script’s purpose is to do all the work for you. It installs all necessary things. After running the script your terminal will look like this:

No, seriously it will look like this:

In addition to aesthethic customizations of terminal the script also adds shortcuts for split pane.

  • For horizontal split pane: ALT + Shift + H
  • For vertical split pane: ALT + Shift + V
  • For resizing panes: ALT + Shift + Direction Keys


In order to run the script, you need new windows terminal and Ubuntu-18.04 wsl distro.

You can download the script here.

Once you downloaded, run install.ps1


Since it’s Women’s Day I chose this theme ❤️. If you want to change the colors all you need to do is choose a theme from this link.

  • Go to windowsterminal located in this repository, find the name of the theme you like, and copy the json content of it.
  • Once you copied the json content, open the Setting in Windows Terminal paste it into “schemes” array.
  • Search for “Ubuntu-18.04” and change “colorScheme” into your themes name.

The script works only for Ubuntu-18.04 for now. If you want to use it for any other distro you need to make some really small changes in the script. Maybe I will add support for all distros in the future.

Happy Coding!

