2 min readMay 19, 2023

Kanjozoku: Japan’s Illegal Street Racing Culture

Japan is known for its car culture. While famous Japanese car brands and motorsport events are well-known, Japan’s underground car culture is also quite fascinating. Kanjozoku, a group of car enthusiasts associated with illegal street racing, is part of this underground culture. Kanjozoku is both popular and controversial in Japan.

The term Kanjozoku is derived from the combination of the words “kanjo” (meaning ring) and “zoku” (meaning group). The origin of Kanjozoku can be traced back to illegal street races on highways in Japan’s major cities. Kanjozoku primarily consists of young car enthusiasts in cities like Osaka and Tokyo who have a passion for speed and a desire to showcase their driving skills.

One of the distinct features of Kanjozoku is their preference for small and lightweight cars, such as older models of Honda Civic. They modify these cars to enhance their performance and make them capable of achieving high performance in races. Modifications such as aerodynamic parts, performance exhaust systems, and wide rims make their cars faster and more eye-catching.

However, the association of Kanjozoku with illegal street racing often gives this group a negative reputation. Kanjozoku members engage in high-speed races and perform dangerous driving maneuvers on highways and city centers, especially during nighttime. This poses a significant safety risk to pedestrians and other drivers. Such races are often illegal and considered serious crimes in Japan, carrying substantial penalties.

The Kanjozoku culture is known not only for their love of cars and driving skills but also for their sense of camaraderie and loyalty as a group. Kanjozoku members bond with friends who share similar interests and passion.

Despite the controversies surrounding Kanjozoku, it remains an intriguing subculture within Japan’s car scene. While illegal street racing is undoubtedly dangerous and illegal, it is essential to separate the actions of a few individuals from the broader car enthusiast community in Japan. The fascination with speed and performance continues to inspire countless car lovers in Japan, who find legal and safe ways to indulge in their passion.