Eastern Celestial Monarch and Marvels of the Ideal Workforce

Heavenly throne fostering the rapid development of the EPGE

Dominic Onyeji
3 min readFeb 5, 2024
Photo created by the author using PowerPoint

In the eastern ideal city where the souls of men were highly illuminated and bred for advancing creativity and progressive productivity, a celestial Monarch ruled from the above with absolute lordship. The heavenly throne was established in Zion to foster rapid development, and the city in general was a beatific harvest of sacrifices made with unnatural plans given to measure up with modernity in advance. The building plans were not ordinary because the Monarch existed in the fantasy land when they were designed by the eastern wizard in the sacred cave of the Eastern Proverbial Garden of Eden (EPGE).

The ideal city had the heaven of heavens situated at the heart of Zion — the official home and work place of the eastern Jesus. It was a glorious city with marvelous horticulture and prestigious tourist attractions in and out. Beautiful flowers and great trees were wonderfully planted to produce the splendors of the heavens. They bore different kinds of fruits for the souls of men to eat. That was why the city was referred to as the Eden.

Every structure in the heavenly city was standardized. The workforce of the EPGE had fantastic, industrious hands that were employed by civil entities for good. They were numerous and skillful because things like creativity and productivity had supernatural origins in the heavenly eastern Eden. Haven Delight PLC was one of the civil entities that used the ideal hands to do marvelous civil works.

At the heart of the ideal city, the city hall stood very tall, bearing the proverbial name — Mount Zion. The municipal structures were built by Haven Delight PLC, a fantastic civil entity dedicated to John the Baptist and the Magi — the Association of the Proverbial Nation Builders (APNB) presided by the celestial Monarch in the East . There were skyscrapers and towers surrounding Mount Zion in the fantasy land. One of the prominent buildings was a gigantic castle, serving as a golden temple with supernatural links between the heavens and the power house of the eastern wizard. It was surrounded by skyscrapers, towers and the likes. All the structures and ways were marvelous civil works of modernity powered by the eastern wizard in the supernatural. The network of roads was a chain of wonders that glowed under the golden Sun.

One thing about the EPGE was that nature made adequate provision of resources and materials from the onset to enhance the rapid development. There were lucrative companies built with modernity in the industrial areas of the city. They had long chains of productive systems that were powered by the eastern wizard from the above.

The Eastern Light Hotel was a prominent skyscrapers in the fantasy land. It was built by the Haven Delight PLC, and it was a populous place, serving as a global tourists resort close to the gigantic mystical castle — the renovated golden temple for the arcane lion minds. The eastern wizard designed the two to face each other because they bore underground apartments and halls for exclusive lodging and confidential events. The underground had several doors that were out of bounds for security reasons. One of them was the entrance of a hidden walk-way leading to the power house of the wizard, next to the secret cave where the ardent lions used to meet.



Dominic Onyeji

I am a Nigerian contractor. Writing is my calling. I bear philosophic pen power, serving as an explicator, poet and songwriter. https://sweet.pub/@onyeji.dsage