Fantastic Gateways and the Eternal Books of Life on the Maps

Intricacies of the parables of Jesus concerning the kingdom to come

Dominic Onyeji
4 min readFeb 11, 2024
Photo created by the author using PowerPoint

The Bible told fantastic stories about the kingdom to come. Jesus of Nazareth was the Chief Builder dreaming or longing to establish the palace of the kingdom in the Nazarene hometown. His foreman was John the Baptist — the proverbial voice crying in the wilderness. They made open proclamations in parables, paving the ways and preparing the souls of men for the manifestation of the kingdom: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand…” said the Nazarene Jesus (Mark 1:15). He was speaking the language of the gods addressing the souls of men in the fantasy land of Israel.

The Bible says that the Nazarene Jesus spoke in parables (language of the gods) at several occasions telling the souls of men that born-again was the fantastic gateway for the manifestation of the kingdom. No one in the fantasy land could enter into the real kingdom of God on the Earth through any other way apart from the gateway, called born-again. He said, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said onto you, ye must be born again.” (John 3:3–7)

According to insight, every national map bears a fantastic gateway in the sky serving as the point of manifestation of the stars, called unveiling gems. There is an eternal book of life at every fantastic gateway where the names of the stars are written when they are unveiled to start shining in the sky. Whenever a soul emerges from the fantastic gateway, the name will be written on the map before the star will start to shine in the sky of the country where the soul belong. That was what the Nazarene Jesus was saying in parables.

The souls of men in the fantasy lands are people in life belonging to geographical areas of the global map. They are unveiling gems when they put their names on the maps of their countries. The unveiling is a fantastic diamond, called gem. It becomes a star when the veil is removed from the above.

Bible scholars understood that the Nazarene Jesus was a celestial sermonizer when he gave the hard news to the souls of men in the fantasy land of Israel. If you are a Christian, look well. The eternal book of life is a nominal list on the map of your country. It is there for people who qualify to become either notorious or popular. Insight shows that sin is not a barrier, and God cannot remove any name written on the map. John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth were trying to make the souls see the importance of putting their name on the map of the kingdom to come. They were wise men of Israel those days, knowing that the eternal book of life is on the map of Israel bearing the names of the stars in the sky. Every wise one knows that the stars in the sky are people who were able to put their names on the maps — emerging from the fantastic gateway to shine as stars in the sky.

Come to think of it, we were told that the Biblical Nicodemus was not drunk when he came by night asking the Nazarene Jesus, “How can a man be born when he is old?” (John 3:3–16). It was written in the Bible that he came prudently to discuss Jesus’ teachings; the writer did not say that he was in the state of stupor that very night. He came with sound mind, deeming it good to question Jesus because he knew that the possibility was not there for anyone to go back into the womb for the rebirth. The Nazarene Jesus saw that he was not out of his mind. That was why he gave the rational, logical answer to him.

According to the Nazarene Jesus, man could not enter into his mother’s womb to be born-again. He said it out of wisdom, and Nicodemus took it as a sagacious reply because both of them were wise ones. The story revealed that Nicodemus was a learned Jewish leader, and the Nazarene Jesus was no one’s fool. The two were not charlatans in the society; they were rather historic figures wise enough to understand that the womb in question was a gateway in the world of dream, the fantasy land where the celestial Monarch was ruling with absolute lordship from the above. Nicodemus decided to come secretly in the night because wisdom told him that the imaginary womb was the fantastic exit for the manifestation of the souls of men in the fantasy land.

In short, the Nazarene Jesus and Nicodemus saw a clear vision concerning the manifestation of the celestial Monarch of Israel those days. Jesus spoke to the general public in parables referring to the manifestation as born-again. Nicodemus had to question him because he knew that the time was due for the Monarch to depart from the fantasy land, manifesting in the reality where it was not possible for him to enter into the womb to be born again. The august departure called for merriment because divinity gave the celestial Monarch of Israel to manifest as the Proverbial Chief Builder for the building of the kingdom of heavens in the reality.



Dominic Onyeji

I am a Nigerian contractor. Writing is my calling. I bear philosophic pen power, serving as an explicator, poet and songwriter.