My In-law Raped Me: Part II

Trigger Warning: This fictional story contains sexual violence scene.

Candice King
4 min readJun 26, 2023

I fell to the ground and immediately he overpowered and dragged me to the bed, I struggled to get out of his grip but unfortunately his strength subdued mine and then he hovered over me and pinned me there, yanked my towel and flung it to the floor.


On seeing his intention, my heart raced like it was going to pull down the walls of my chest as I desperately struggled to free myself under his weight. I sank my teeth deep into his palm, determined to bite out a chunk of flesh but he immediately clamped his other hand around my throat. I needed to scream but I could barely breathe and so I managed to tell him.

"Please don’t do this to me."

I plead as tears poured from the sides of my eyes like overflowing river. He didn’t budge as his warm breath fanned my face and his glazed eyes shone with savagery, he threatened to kill me if I didn’t cooporate and that even if I scream as loudly as I want nobody would hear me.

Humiliation pulled my eyelids shut like window blinds as he threw my legs apart, vehemently slide into my unwelcoming body and rode me hellaciously till I passed out.

I woke up minutes later and for a moment, my mind went blank. I didn’t know how long I had laid there naked as I was alone in the room. I tried to wriggle out of bed to get my towel to cover my body but refrained from it as I felt aches spreading through the lower part of my body.

Pain mixed with shame and anger came spilling out as hot tears, soaking the mattress.

I shut my eyes and memories of the past few hours came rushing back and I felt repulsed. I gathered my strength, bolted up in bed and eventually headed to the bathroom. Kneeling by the toilet bowl, I literally puked my insides clean, there was nothing left besides bile.

Thoughts began to flood my mind.

I still don’t know what to do. This man shows my sister love, she believes he is such a loving husband who adores her. How do I tell her I got raped by this wolf in sheep’s clothing?

She sees him as one of the best things that ever happened to her. How can I cause her pain for offering to help me get out of my frustrations. How can I break her home? Will she even believe me? Won’t he say I seduced him? Won’t she believe his words over mine? I’m in pains, I’m hurt! I don’t know what to do. How can I even tell anyone that I was raped, raped by my inlaw? How can I deal with the shame and stigma for the rest of my life?

With wobbly legs, I went back to the room, and locked the door. Listening for any signs of him but the only sounds I heard were that of chirping birds outside the window and for once I wished for the peace and serenity of these birds.

I gathered the blood-streaked sheets and threw them into a bucket. I needed to wash them, but first I needed to take a bath. I had to wash his smell off me.

After a long warm bath, I dragged my body back to bed. The lump in my throat has grown twice it’s size and my eyes burned with tears as they begin to fall, so I sat on the floor and cried even more, completely broken.

Few minutes later, I got up with swollen eyes and a heavy heart, went to the bathroom, sat on a wooden stool and as soon as my eyes met with the blood-streaked sheets, my chest tightened and rage consumed me. He stripped me off my dignity in the most indecent manner, and all I wanted at that time was to set him up and get a gang of boys beat him to stupor and have him beg for his life. I began to scrub on the sheets furiously, the more I scrubbed the brighter the spots became.

Suddenly, a knock came on the door and startled me, I jerked up from the stool. This time; ready to kill or be killed. I remained still. Anticipating with a wooden stool in hand for his next move so I could attack him first. Then a familiar voice came on. It was my sister’s. I gasped and looked up at the clock and it was grinding slowly towards 4pm. My feet got stuck to the floor with several thoughts popping in my head.

Did the neighbours hear my struggle and called my sister? Why is she back so early? Did her husband call her first to turn the cards against me?

"Emily, are you okay?

Her voice came on again and shaked me back to reality. Immediately, i moved and opened the door with trembling hands as I tried to avoid our gaze from meeting. But trust my sister, no one reads me better.

"Emily, what’s wrong, your face is swollen. Have you been crying?"

"I’m sick " I replied in a weak tone to dismiss her curiosity.

She took a long gaze at me and asked

"Since when and why didn’t you tell me about it?"

The lump in my throat made it impossible to speak and I burst into tears. She drew closer with concern written all over her, hugged me and gently sat me on the bed.

"Emily, you know you can talk to me right?”

To be continued...

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Hope you 've enjoyed reading?

Please clap and comment. Read Part III here.

If you missed part I, read it here.



Candice King

Creative Content Writer|| Content writing| Documenting my Professional journey.