350 000 Steps per Month

4 min readJan 8, 2023


A small number for some, a huge number for others, but a DOABLE number for me!

Photo by Václav Sonnek, Beskydy Mountains

I love walking in nature and have felt the full benefits on myself — from a more positive mood to a clearer mind to better fitness. However, I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to make it so that going for walks regularly wasn’t extremely challenging and was doable in the months when there’s more going on and not as much time.

In past years I used to have the problem that some days or week I didn’t go anywhere because of work, school, bad weather, or because I was lazy. Then on the weekend, I went out for a 30km hike. It’s also great, but it was always a big shock for me, even if I did other activities throughout the week (gym, badminton, volleyball,…) and then my body gave me 2 or 3 hints that it still hadn’t recovered.

Photo by Václav Sonnek, Beskydy Mountains

In the last few months, I started to realize that this wasn’t how it would work for me and began to think about how to motivate myself to take shorter walks during the week so that I could prepare for a weekend longer hike or have all the benefits of a meeting during the week as well. So I set a goal for the new year that it would be great if I could get in 350,000 steps each month, which is something like 12,000 steps per day which is about 9.5km.

The most important step is to incorporate walking or running into your daily routine for me, this is the hardest because I do most multiple things at once and am unable to completely stop and go for a walk. Plus if you’re a photographer like me and you see that it’s under a cloud, it doesn’t make you want to go out. That’s why I’ve started learning how to enjoy and love the outdoors, which I’ve seen 1000 times and even under clouds.

The other important thing that I’ve realized and that if you’re going to try something like this it has to come from you not that someone who told you. Also, an important point is if you don’t want to don’t force yourself. It’s completely normal and the days are different.

Photo by Václav Sonnek, Beskydy Mountains

Personally, I also try not to think about the app on my phone all the time showing me how many steps I’ve taken, I don’t swear at myself or feel bad about myself and sometimes I do it on purpose, I leave my phone at home and sort of lose the steps I need. I also do not walk in the house with my cell phone in my pocket:)

So at all costs, I’m not trying to meet the quota of 350,000 steps a month, but on the other hand, it’s a metric I’m aiming for, but without the pressure on me or that my world would come crashing down if I didn’t make it. This is a positive goal for me!

However, I’m trying to change my old bad habit into a new improved one that will make me feel better.

And WHY? (personal feelings)

  • better mood
  • improved physical condition
  • reduction of pressure in the head due to multitasking
  • relax
  • increased health (more resistant to disease)
  • it helps me with better and faster recovery from other sports or physical exertion
  • discover new places

As for science, Roman Filo gave an overview according to scientific articles about the benefits for us with 10 000 steps →10 000 Steps Just a Marketing Move?

Walking (reach 350 000 steps) = Progress

3 stories

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You can look forward to more information about the outdoors, world trails, and different apps to help you learn about the outdoors.

Have a great day and don’t forget to take a walk!

