Funto onyx
1 min readOct 18, 2018

Fear has this amazing power of crippling you.


Phobia 2:

F = Fear

O = of

F = Failure

On my quest to living my best life, I’ve been confronted by my unhealthy need for perfection. I tend to get overly excited at the onset of a thing, be greeted with favorable response and stop. Why? Because if I go on you’d realize I don’t have much to offer. I fear that I’d fall so hard and never recover.

During a session I was asked “Funto, do you think you are resilient?” my response, “I have never been tested”. Truth is, I’d bow out before given the opportunity to fail. That there in lies the problem, my inability to allow myself fail. I’ve always believed I had some sort of Midas touch, but I guess there’s a flip side to the story that everyone forgets, Midas failed!

He soon realized that his ability to make everything turn to gold will take the seemingly simple precious things from him.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s time to take a leap of faith. Take a step, and continue taking those steps, even if I fail.

On that note, I’m learning to fail, gracefully!