Some random questions in my head

Umesh Gopinath
2 min readMay 11, 2018

People retire from work at the age of 60. Why not politicians? And there is nothing I can do about it?

I pay income tax on my hard earned salary. Why should I again pay tax when I spend my money post tax?

Instead why not abolish income tax and I only pay tax whenever I spend my money?

The 2 main election candidates in my area — one has 5 criminal cases on his name and the other has 13. Who should I vote for?

Corruption is a given. So I can’t use that a deciding factor. Maybe I’ll vote for the one who will just let me live?

All the Ministers, MP’s and MLA’s have been chosen by me in order to represent me in the government and get things done for me. But how come they are more powerful than me? How come they are more important than me? Why are we scared of them? Actually, why are we voting for them?

As a child I lived in the gulf for a couple of years. The good things I saw there then are not there in my country yet. The area I live in today has no proper drainage system. No proper garbage disposal system. No good roads. No footpaths. Power goes off every now and then. After collecting all that tax from me, what are you doing for me?

We have so gotten used to mediocracy.

There’s no hope.



Umesh Gopinath

ex Design @newtonmailapp, Geek, Blogger and Amateur Photographer