opakunbi ayokunle
2 min readDec 31, 2021

BLUESPARROW: A Earning Platform for its Crypto Holders

The essence of a crypto platforms for user's to invest through trading (buying and selling) of digital assets and also to get rewards or make profits either through staking, early bird programs ( Presales) or draws.

The BlueSparrow project has developed a platform that is based on Ethereum blockchain network with a wonderful and unique features that allows its users to earn more digital assets in form of bluesparrow token through DRAWS.

These DRAWS are one of the unique features on the BlueSparrow platform that allows users to gain rewards and incentives as a member of its ecosystem.

For user's to be partakers in these draws they must have at least 500 billion BlueSparrow token.

These DRAWS include the following;

1: Daily Draws
2: Weekly Draws
3: Monthly Draws

BlueSparrow Draws

1: Daily Draw Starting After 250+ Holders And 0.35% Of Transactions Will Be Split Between 7 Lucky Winners

2: Weekly Draw Starting After 1000+ Holders And 0.1% (Accumulated Over Seven Days) Of Transactions Will Be Split Between 7 Lucky Winners

3: Monthly Draw Starting After 30 Days And 0.05% (Accumulated Over 30 Days) Of Transactions Will Be Split Between 7 Lucky Winners

BlueSparrow project aims majorly at enriching its users through participation in draws allowing them to earn as much as they can as long as they participate in the draws
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