70 Goals to Make 2024 Better Than 2023

8 min readJan 7, 2024


Photo by Dark Light2021 on Unsplash

IT’S HERE! The new year is here! So, I bring to you (and myself) a checklist of 70 goals to make 2024 better than 2023, because “Oh my lord, it was a year!”

You’ll pick and choose the ones that resonates with you only, to help you make your own personal plan for 2024. I for example chose 10 main goals, as I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I will NOT do that again this year, and neither should you.

These 70 goals are divided into 5 main categories that I think make up most aspects of our lives… Physical health, mental health & spirituality, love & relationships, wealth & career, and finally, impactful actions.

You can get a FREE printable checklist is in my shop. Click Here!

Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash


He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.

  • Exercise: “Slowly but surely” should be our motto here. So walk or exercise for 30 minutes only, 2-3 days a week.
  • Fruits: Some fruits are really nice y’all. Try having 1–2 fruits daily.
  • Water: Drink 12 glasses of water daily. Enough said.
  • Sleep: I see you, night owls, I do, but we need to fix our sleeping schedules for real. Go get your 6–8 hours of continuous quality sleep each night.
  • Mindfulness: Practise mindful eating and listen. to. your. body. If it says “Help me, I’m full”, stop eating, you don’t need to finish your plate.
  • Eye Exercises: Practise eye relaxation exercises while you’re on the PC gaming… or working, I don’t judge.
  • Taking Breaks: Take regular breaks from sitting at the desk, click that “Save” button before getting up though.
  • Light Exercise: Try swimming, water exercises, or yoga twice a week if you have an injury, and of course ask your doctor first.
  • Processed Food: Limit packaged-in-plastic processed food to once a week. *booing*
  • Check-ups: Schedule health check-ups and screenings every 6–12 months. *more booing*
  • Vegetarian: Become a vegetarian or vegan for 1 week each month, trust me, it’s good for your gut health AND the planet.
  • Stairs vs. Lefts: Take the stairs instead of the left whenever you can. You can even count it as your exercise for the day.
  • Skin Care: Have a good skin care and hair care routine *adding that one to my list*
  • Sugar: Reduce your consumption of white sugar to 1 table spoon a day, and sweets to 1 sweet a week… I told you, fruits can be nice too.
  • Leftovers: Don’t over eat when eating out at restaurants, you can always take away the leftovers.
  • Marathon: Complete a marathon, not the LOTR or Harry Potter kind of marathons.
  • Dancing: Pick up dancing as a hobby, even if it’s just when you’re alone listening to music in your bedroom *making sure no one is watching*
  • Screen Time: Reduce screen time by buying the books and printing the articles you want to read.
  • Deep Breathing: Practise deep breathing to reduce stress levels 3–5 times a week. *plucks another grey hair at the age of 25*
  • Stay Accountable: Get a gym membership or hire a personal trainer to stay motivated and accountable. *NOT adding this one to my list*
Photo by Boudhayan Bardhan on Unsplash


Your body hears everything your mind says.

  • Meditation: Practice meditation or mindfulness for 5–10 minutes each day. *cries in ADHD*
  • Pray: Pray more to your god and practise what aligns with your beliefs.
  • Goal Setting: Set time for self-reflection and goal setting, maybe once every 2 months? 6 months?
  • Books: Dust these books on your shelves and read at least 12 books this year, 1 book a month.
  • Gratitude: Journal what you’re thankful for at least once a week. It actually feels nice doing so.
  • Positive Talk: Be nice to yourself this year, and don’t belittle yourself or your accomplishments. Okie?
  • Therapy: Seek therapy or counselling whenever you need. It’s not shameful and your not weak for doing so, I swear.
  • News: Limit exposure to bad news, stay safe and sane, so you can help yourself and others.
  • Help Out: Volunteer and engage in random acts of kindness.
  • Forgive: Practise forgiveness and let go of resentment, holding grudges only hurts you, not the other person.
  • Journal: Start writing in a diary or start journaling (digitally or physically) to regulate your emotions and thoughts.
  • Baths: Take a cosy bath once every month… Don’t waste water and stuff, it’s not good for the planet.
  • Spa Day: Try getting a fancy massage or have a spa day. Even if it feels uncomfor… Nope, never mind.
  • Hugs: Give loved ones more and longer hugs.
  • Self-Help Workshops: Attend workshops or seminars that talk about personal growth and self-improvement… or just watch YouTube videos, they can be toxic though, so take care and use your brain.
  • Me Time: Get comfortable with being alone at a restaurant, a café, or even in a new city or country. *screaming at you, “You are enough!”*
Photo by bimo mentara on Unsplash


We cannot really love anyone with whom we never laugh.

  • Make Time: Spend quality time with loved ones as much as you can, you will make time for it if it’s important to you.
  • Listen: Try to actively listen to conversations and talk less. Shine the spotlight (not literally) at your friends and family, make them feel heard and loved.
  • Communication is Key: Talk openly and honestly about your feelings in your relationships. *feelings? ew*
  • Dates: Plan fun, fancy, or cosy date nights with your partner, at least once a month.
  • Friends: Reconnect with old friends (If it feels right), and don’t be afraid to make new ones and to expand your social circle.
  • Love You: Say “I love you” more, to your family and friends, show appreciation and express your feelings. Stop trying to act cool.
  • Support Others: Be more supportive and celebrate the achievements of others… While holding 2 massive pompoms, that’s the most important part.
  • Game Nights: Host game nights with friends and family, once every week or two.
  • Call Them: Whoever you thought of reading this sentence, call them (Unless they are your ex), call or video chat with long-distance friends and family members.
  • Surprise!: Plan and execute a special surprise party for a loved one this year.
Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash


I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

  • Budgeting: Set financial goals and create a monthly budget. Keep in mind, money isn’t bad or good, it’s what you do with it.
  • Savings: Save at least 20% of your income each month. Or 10% if you can’t, 5% even, anything but keep it consistent.
  • True Investment: Invest in your professional life and skill enhancement, take courses and read more books about your field.
  • Stocks & Stuff: Invest after doing your research, in stocks, gold, real estate or anything, but again, do. your. research.
  • Career Shift: If you feel stuck and you don’t like what you do, research and explore new career opportunities, it’s never too late. *adding this one to my list*
  • Networking: I know it could feel scary and/or boring, but go to work meetings and network, build your professional circle and have nice meaningful relationships.
  • Side Hustle: Start a side business, a part-time job, a new hobby, or a passion project as your side hustle. Try and do what you love at least a few times a week.
  • No More Debts: Pay off outstanding debts or loans this year, so you can feel free financially.
  • Stream of Incomes: Create multiple streams of income, they could be online, offline, or a mixture of both… “Eggs in one basket is bad” okay, I don’t know how the saying goes, but you get the idea.
  • Freelance: Try freelancing, it will help with diversifying your income, and it’ll help you with networking and knowing how to deal with clients on your own terms.
  • Find a Mentor: We’re never too old to learn. So, seek mentorship from professionals in your field of interest, there is always something new to learn.
  • Build a Website: Create a professional website or online portfolio to showcase your work.
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash


When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.

  • Sustainability: Reduce your carbon footprint, try new sustainable practices, take a reusable bag to the shops, buy vegan cruelty free products, use metal straws, because paper straws are stupid.
  • Charity: Donate to charities or organisations supporting causes that you care about and believe in.
  • Your Turn To Mentor: I personally feel like I can’t add this goal yet, but try supporting someone, whether at work in your field, with a hobby or a skill that you’re good at, or just emotionally.
  • Ignorance Isn’t Bliss: Educate yourself about social issues, read about topics that you barely know of, ask questions and seek answers, but please for the love of all things nice, be polite.
  • Blog: Start a blog or social media platform to raise awareness about a cause you care about. I for example am trying to blog to make people like you and me feel welcome and not alone.
  • Donate: Give away unused items or clothing to charitable organisations, don’t throw it away in the bin please.
  • Shop Local: Support small local businesses and artisans in your community.
Photo by AJ Garcia on Unsplash


I couldn’t think of which category to put them in, so they have their own one.

  • Music: Learn a musical instrument (Our voices are a musical instrument in a way, so you can learn how to sing)
  • Tattoos: Get that tattoo or piercing that you’ve been wanting to get. *sorry, mum*
  • Learn a Language: Learn a new language to connect with a new part of the world.
  • Watch Films: Watch the top 30 films on your Watchlist.
  • Attend a Concert: See one of your favourite bands/artists at a concert this year.

So yeah, this was my list of 70 new year’s goals. Please, do not feel like you have to choose all of them, not even half of them, I even didn’t choose more than 10 or so. You too, you should choose the ones that resonate with you only, the ones that will make you on that journey to be happier, and let me tell you something, it is a continuous one, and it’s always changing, things and goals will evolve throughout the year, and that’s perfectly okay. *looking at myself in the mirror, saying that again…*

Things and goals will evolve throughout the year, and that’s perfectly okay.

So, take a moment to choose a few goals for next year, and create an action plan to turn them into reality, to help you get closer than ever to a more fulfilling and happier life. And I honestly wish everyone a great, successful, and fun journey (because having fun is the most important part)

Here’s to a remarkable year ahead! Cheers!




A very geeky digital artist, creating a safe space for geeks, nerds, artists, and misfits.