About Open Air

Open Air
4 min readOct 13, 2020


I wanted to write this very first post about why I created this space.

About 6 years ago I found a TV show on Netflix called “Departures.” It was about 3 boys who traveled the world for 3 years and documented the entire adventure. They did this way before travel vlogging became popular, they were still in baggy cargo pants with “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” hair cuts. It was amazing to watch them have experiences that always seemed just out of reach. I had always wanted to travel but never had the money or means. Living in a tiny apartment in Buffalo I decided I was going to do everything I could to be able to see the world. I had very ambitious goals like I wanted to set foot on all seven continents, and see all the oceans. I moved back home, and started working for the airlines in hope of gaining cheaper plane tickets. But, my life turned into working long hours and spending my time on YouTube and Instagram watching travel influencers do all the things I wish I could. I wanted my life to be more than just keeping my head down and wishing for a more adventurous tomorrow. I dare anyone to work around planes all day and not feel the same. I was so unhappy so I decided to take another leap.

I didn’t quit my job; buy a camera, and a one-way ticket to some far off country. For every success story that starts like that, I’m sure there are a million horror stories of starvation and vagrancy. So I decided to become a flight attendant. I am not here to tell you that Flight Attending solved all my problems and everyone should do it. Frankly, it’s a very lonely and thankless job. Flight Attendants are more likely to suffer from Depression, Drug and Alcohol abuse, and even Cancer and infertility issues. (Read this if you don’t believe me.)

However,It was my means to see the world and accomplish my travel goals. I have been working as a flight attendant now for almost 4 years. The biggest trip I took was to Amsterdam.

I am 28 and I know that 30 before 30 is out of my reach, especially right now. Most of the world is only visible through videos, travel influencers, or documentaries. I have tried my best to recreate that feeling of adventure where I live now. I don’t want to lose precious time waiting on those big expensive trips that may or may not ever happen.

I also know that I am not alone, that there are others on social media and around the world experiencing the same feelings and saying things like “I am never going to be able to do what they do.” And “I wish I could do something like that” or “That’s amazing but I could never afford that.”

So I wanted to create this space, to explore the world around us and to seek out amazing experiences that are well within our reach. I am calling it “Open Air” because it’s about getting out of the confines of our daily rut and into the Open Air of the world around us. I want us to stop longingly watching others doing all the things we wish we could. I want us to do what’s good for our own mental health and get outdoors. Really focus on being present in the moment. I know that I have let perfectly good trips go to waste because I have been to dead set on trying to get a good shot or video.

So with that being said my goal is to challenge each and every one of you including myself to make the best of your surroundings. Once a week I will be posting a challenge where I will give you and Idea to complete an experience in your own hometown or where ever you are. You are always welcome to leave a comment or a picture of you achieving the goals! Stay Tuned for my next blog post coming soon!

Don’t forget to follow on Instagram @openairglobal for the weekly challenges.



Open Air

During uncertian times like a global pandemic, or times when travel is expensive and daunting. I have created this space to open the world around you.