openBoM, push button and one click manufacturing evolution

OpenBOM (
3 min readJun 21, 2017


Manufacturing is undergoing a transformation. Have you heard of push button or one click manufacturing? This interesting concept is the result of the convergence of global internet connectivity, global manufacturing opportunities, and e-commerce. Consider how by using CAD design software, a model needs to be manufactured. Using a traditional approach, an engineer makes plans for using CAM software and then looks for ways how a part can be machined or 3D printed. Well, this traditional approach is undergoing transformation.

Coming soon, special applications will be communicating between engineers and CAD applications on the one side and with virtual manufacturing facilities on the other side. The idea in a nutshell is described, here. This passage caught my attention:

Push-Button Manufacturing

So, there is the idea that an engineer can design a part, push a button and be delivered the part. Why not. I’ve fully defined it. Now just make the damn thing. No, I don’t want to find the machine shop, talk to the machinist and know how to program a CNC. I’m not sure I want to mess with a 3D printer … Is push-button manufacturing not the dream of every engineer?

While companies are seeking a “3D print” button in CAD, at openBoM, we’ve been thinking about how to connect design with manufacturing operations. Although we are not yet ready to create a product, here are a few thoughts and examples that will help you understand what you can do with openBoM today.

While building 3D parts is an important activity, products are rarely just a single part. So, if you want to control the manufacturing process, you need to deal with assemblies. The last one is multidisciplinary and contains lot of sub-elements. Some of those elements are printed and machined parts, but others are standard components. Ultimately you will need to assemble everything. So you will need to create an assembly instruction with the right quantities of parts.

And this is where a Bill of Materials with the right information will help realize an online global repository of manufacturing BOM (recipes). As an example, think about the availability of a part. The openBoM flexible data model allows you to organize assembly instruction lists with elements of data that control and indicate readiness of an assembly for manufacturing. Think about an automated manufacturing shop. This is how an online accessible BOM recipe will help coordinate manufacturing.

Although we can still consider it as a “push button” process, it is actually more ‘one click manufacturing’ or OCM. You upload your Bill of Materials with all related information and receive a completed product at the customer site or assembly line. Speed is the huge advantage of the OCM process. Providing an online connected information model is key. openBOM is one tool you can use, its information model can orchestrate the processes which deliver and build components and assemblies.

Conclusion. Manufacturing is undergoing tremendous transformations. Build to order, speed, and engagement with consumer are most the important competitive factors. The challenge for manufacturing companies is to lower the cost of products to remain competitive. At the same time, customers’ demand is mass-customization, which potentially increasing the cost. The speed of the one click manufacturing process can change value chain economics and change the way companies organize their manufacturing processes. OpenBOM can help you build the information model for this process and share it among different players. Individuals and applications can access BOM online to run automated one-click manufacturing process.

Talk to me. Let me know what you think.

Best, Oleg @

PS. We should know each other better. If you live in a Greater Boston, please let’s have a meeting (coffee is on me). If you’re located in other places, let’s have a virtual coffee session — I will figure out how to send you a real coffee for our virtual coffee session.



OpenBOM (

Online tool to manage you Bill of Materials and Part Catalogs. Real-time collaboration for teams and supplier, sync data with CAD, PLM, ERP. More -