Why Should You Choose Wordpress for Your Ecom Site

2 min readJan 1, 2020

There are numerous reasons to choose WordPress for one's e-commerce venture. It is fairly common for new online ventures to opt for WordPress based websites. Here are a few important reasons.

Innumerable Design and Development Possibilities

WordPress gives us the leverage to create the kind of store that we want. We can inculcate the designs and features as per our choices. We may have to pay a custom developer to curate things the way we want, but in its essence, the design and development possibilities in WordPress are endless.

SEO Capabilities

WordPress is believed to be very SEO friendly. Some awesome SEO tools/plugins, including the extremely popular Yoast SEO, can help to improve our search engine rankings and provide search engines with rich snippets. Search Engine Optimization can drive more free traffic to our website, which in turn can fetch more money for the venture.

Security and Scalability

WordPress has enough resources and the ability to take care of one's expanding business. Innumerable plugins further expand WordPress capabilities. Since it is quite widely used, WP is a frequent target of hacking. However, following best practices, like keeping your WordPress installation and plugins updated, not installing themes from untrusted sources, and installing a security plugin such as WordFence, would keep your site safe.


Whether it's selling clothes, any kind of accessories, digital products, or services, WooCommerce on WordPress proves to be an ideal e-commerce solution. It’s much more flexible, economical and scalable as compared to many other platforms.

If you are keen to kick-start your eCommerce venture quickly, WordPress is a splendid choice. If you are not familiar with technology, don't have in-house IT team or simply want to engage reliable professionals for developing your WordPress site, get in touch with us at OpenCubicles today!




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