What is your session proposal for IODC18?


The first 10 years of the open data movement have been exciting. In many ways, open data has revolutionized the way we think about and use data. However, the road ahead is long — we still need to increase data literacy, overcome political hurdles, create diverse partnerships, and maintain the momentum of our successes as much as we can. Now, more than ever, it is time to be both reflective and proactive.

For International Open Data Conference 2018(IODC), we need to think together about how to make the next 10 years even better. We need to use the conference to not only share ideas and practices, but also to work on issues together, and address any challenges that have limited our progress to date. We need to take advantage of the precious opportunity of face-to-face time to create actionable plans that will take us forward. As always, our programme will be co-created based on community input.

Under the theme “The Future is Open”, this year’s conference will reconvene our ever expanding community to address the key issues and challenges facing the open data community today, and seek to identify innovative solutions and opportunities for increased collaboration that will translate into real progress in the years ahead.

If you are new to open data, we would like to know what type of sessions or workshops would help you to dive deeper into the world of open data. We want to know how the conference would best support your work going forward.

If you are an open data veteran, we want to know what types of sessions would help to unblock some of the challenges you are facing? What do you want to find a solution to? Which people would you like to meet that can help to advance your agenda or your vision for the future of open data?

Want to propose a session but don’t know where to start? Here is an online resource that might be useful for you in developing a methodology for you session. In addition, if you need more information about different topics, you can use the Environment Scans from The State of Open Data project.

The Call for Proposals is open until April 1st, 2018. If you have any questions about the conference, tweet us @opendatacon or email us at info@opendatacon.org

Information about the International Open Data Conference 2018 is now available at opendatacon.org!



International Open Data Conference

The 5th International Open Data Conference will be held Sept 27-28, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. #IODC18