Annoucing Winners of the Autonomous Driving Challenge at CVPR 2023

2 min readJun 13, 2023


We are happy to announce Winners of the Autonomous Driving Challenge at CVPR 2023 Workshop. Check out the challenge website at

Four Tracks in 2023 Edition

All the submissions are carefully reviewed; and the award recipients are finalized by the Award Committee. We received a few inquiries from multiple teams on the eligibility, challenge rules, technical reports, etc. Rest assured that all inquiries have been investigated and appropriately resolved. The fairness and integrity of the Challenge has always been our highest priority.

Here are some quick facts on the Challenge:

  • 2300+ submissions
  • 270 teams / institutions (academic / industry) across 15 countries and regions, including China, US, Germany, France, UK, etc.
  • 20,000+ total views at the website
  • Github Stars 1500+

If you are going to CVPR in Vancouver, please attend our workshop! Winners are invited to give presentations onsite, plus awesome Speakers for sure!

If you cannot make it for whatever reason, no worries. We do have a sibling event hosted in Being, China, on June 18.

Big shoutouts to all participants, organizers, volunteers, webmasters of the Challenge. All of this could not be possible ​**without** you.

Thank you!

The leaderboard as well as the website will be kept alive. We will maintain it to receive new results. The next edition of the Autonomous Driving Challenge ​**will** be back in late 2023 or 2024. Please stay tuned.

Finally, we are always at your service via




Cutting-edge research on autonmous driving from Shanghai AI Lab. For more details, see