Research Blog from OpenDriveLab at CVPR 2023

4 min readJun 17, 2023


Join the world’s top minds in AI at IEEE/CVF CVPR 2023! OpenDriveLab is excited to be an active part of this prestigious event, taking place in Vancouver from June 18, 2023. Explore the future of autonomous driving with the cutting-edge research showcased in our latest work!

This year, our focus is on end-to-end autonomous driving, bird’s-eye-view (BEV) perception, and foundation model, resulting in 1 Best Paper Award Candidate, 1 Highlight Paper, 3 Posters, 2 Workshop Events and 1 Challenge.

Unfortunately, most of us cannot go to Vancouver in person due to the insane visa issue. We do have two teammates onsite, please say hello to Yunsong and Tutian! :)

Best Paper Award Candidate: Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving

We present UniAD (Unified Autonomous Driving), a planning-oriented end-to-end framework for autonomous driving. We wish this could initiate a new step of foundation model for autonomous driving and robotics.

Pipeline of UniAD.

There are 12 papers, out of 9155 submissions, selected as Award Candidate. See the full list here. Each work represents a high standard of recognition in each domain. We are honored and humbled to be one of the recipients! The detailed information on UniAD (paper) is summarized below.

  • Code and model checkpoints is hosted at Github here.
  • Poster venue: THU-AM-131
  • Plenary talk: 20 June 3pm-4pm PDT, East Building Exhibit Hall AB.
  • Official Blog in Chinese is here.
Visualization of UniAD system: perception, prediction and planning results

Highlight Paper: BEVFormer V2

Notably, BEVFormer V1 is selected as one of ECCV 2022 Top-10 Influential Papers and the 100 most cited AI papers in 2022.

This year, we present BEVFormer V2, a novel BEV detector with perspective supervision. It converges faster and better suits modern image backbones such as InternImage.

  • Poster venue: THU-AM-129
  • Third-party blog in Chinese is here.
Pipeline of BEVFormer V2. Introducing perspective 3D head and longer temporal BEV compared to V1.


MaskAlign. Is reconstruction necessary in Masked Image Modeling (MIM) with a teacher model? We propose a much more efficient paradigm named MaskAlign without any reconstruction on masked tokens, and apply the alignment on visible patches only. MaskAlign achieves new state-of-the-art performance with much higher efficiency.

  • Code and model checkpoints is released at Github here.
  • Poster venue: THU-PM-203
  • Third-party blog in Chinese is here.

ThinkTwice is an end-to-end autonomous driving framework with the focus on scaling up the decoder part.

  • Code and models are hosted at Github here.
  • Poster venue: THU-PM-131
  • Third-party blog in Chinese is here.

FocalDistiller is a knowledge distillation algorithm designed for extracting focal knowledge from an imperfect bird’s-eye-view (BEV) expert.

  • Poster venue: TUE-AM-094

Workshop and Challenge in Two Cities

This year we present End-to-end Autonomous Driving workshop, aiming to bring together leading researchers from both academia (UCB, CMU) and industry (Tesla, NVIDIA, Cruise, Wayve, XPENG), to shed new insight on pipelines / paradigms / frameworks for autonomous vehicles. Check out the amazing speakers along with their talk videos.

We’ve got an exciting lineup of speakers! Recodings can be found here.

Along with the workshop came up with the Autonomous Driving Challenge, featuring a total cash award of USD $100,000 and four all-brand-new tasks.

Challenge tracks at a glance. Motivation is to bond perception more closely with planning.

We received more than 2300 submissions from over 270 teams, covering over 15 countries and regions. Announcement of the Challenge winners is posted in a previous blog. The Challenge wrapped up with total success. Thanks everyone!

Big shoutouts to all the participants!

Since most Chinese participants cannot make it to CVPR, we do actually prepare a sibling event with awesome speakers at Beijing on June 18. Check out the fantastic program here!

Geographical visits on the Challenge website since March 2023.

Professional Service

Congratulations to Ilnehc and Chonghao Sima for being recognized as Outstanding Reviewers! This is a small group of professionals (200+) out of a large pool of reviewers over 7000. The community is stronger with their aids! Besides, many researchers / PIs at Shanghai AI Lab serve as (senior) area chairs for CVPR, altogether we are building a more professional community to shape the future of AI.

That’s all from OpenDriveLab. Please, enjoy CVPR and get to know people! Last, we are always at your service via




Cutting-edge research on autonmous driving from Shanghai AI Lab. For more details, see