Do Victoria Milan use fake female users to engage male users?

Open Eye
4 min readAug 23, 2019


It seems that they are.

I have signed up to
Signing up is free, I have uploaded all of my images and was hoping to start chatting to some nice ladies.
However, one cannot see nor respond unless you are a paying user with Premium account. So all I could do was to day-dream of the lady I’m gonna meet there.

Every few days I was getting a message from one of the women in Dublin.
I could not read, as it was blur because I was on the free account. I could not respond as well.
I was too cheap / too poor to pay €20 / month membership.

Two weeks ago, I have entered the website through my mobile device and discovered that the price has changed 🎉

Prices for Victoria Milan from my phone

€15 for 3 months seems like a great price. Happily I have joined.

Later when I have checked my bank statements I have discovered that I was charged for the full price of almost €60. 😥
I have sent Victoria Milan a support message asking them what’s the story.
I have not received a reply yet on that.

But thus the plot thickens…

I started noticing that I get messages on specific hours: 1am & 5am (Dublin time) and that the conversations never fruit to anything (not to speak of actually going on a date…) They were more like “Hi”, “Are you here?”, etc.
They felt like engagement conversations — to keep me returning back to the website.

As I was chatting, it felt to me that the women behind are fake. So I started digging.

There are 134 women in Dublin between 18–55 with a photo (that was my search criteria). Out of them, 66 have registered on the same day. That made me even more suspicious (unless something happened on that day to ladies in Dublin).

See for example the following women. They have all registered on 31.01.2018

Look at the ‘registered on’ date
Got 66 of those with the same registration date

In total I have counted sixty-six women who have registered on that day in Dublin.
Those are the 66 women who are usually online (Whereas most of the other women, who have not registered on that date, have logged in months ago).

This could be a bug in Victoria Milan system. That could be something else.

It just feels smelly to me that the most engaging women; those who chat, wink and favourite me, they have all registered on the same day.

I have 55 messages in my Victoria Milan inbox.
38 of the 55 (~69% … speaking of symbolism) are women who have registered on 31.01.2018.
10 of the 55 are of women out of Dublin (NYC, Turkey, Minnesota for example) that have “favourited” me (which creates an automatic message) and I have no clue how they got to my profile (my suspicion is that they are triggered automatically to engage me back to the website).

It became worse when I got the exact same message from the different users:

The rest are some real women I have tried to reach out and scammers.
(Scammers would be on a different post).

I believe that I was super polite and kind in each of my messages — it is not a case that I was ignored or blocked.

I have reached out to Victoria Milan for a response on 22/08/2019 with no response to date.

Finally I went to TrustPilot to check what are the reviews there.
Here are some of the reviews:

