Open Flutter Project: Product Categories in E-commerce App

Andrey Poteryahin
2 min readJan 30, 2020


So you decided to create your E-commerce App for your business and figuring out the first steps. If you have more than 10–20 products you want to categories them. That is exactly what we will discuss in the current article.

Our final goal is to create an app that converts users of the app into our actual customers. It means that we need to make it as easy as possible for the user to find the necessary product and to engage in the process of making more and more sales.

Key triggers actions are:

  1. Seeing the category of goods that the user is looking at (shoes, clothes, etc).
  2. Being able to search for the product in one click
  3. Identify goods by key types (women, men, kids, other).
  4. Discounts. Everybody loves discounts.

The current version of our categories screens look like that

Let me throw a bit more logic on those screens. How about personalization? What we can do is show recently viewed by the user categories at the top. We can even store the number of times the category was viewed and order according to that number.

The open questions for discussion are:

  1. Should we put products on the first screen of products?
  2. Should there be more banners with sales (like every third or fourth tile)?
  3. Which screen should be main: with images or without images? Screen with images looks more attractive but contains fewer items on one screen.
  4. How the categories should be ordered
  • By title.
  • The number of views.
  • Most recent at the top.

5. Should we have only hashtags instead of categories?

Write in comments what do you think about each question and share your experience using other e-commerce mobile apps.

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