$1 (m) in OpenGift GIFT tokens on offer for the software developer community

2 min readJun 26, 2018


OpenGift team is offering 5 (m) GIFT tokens worth $1(m) to their community of software developers and entrepreneurs. This action is a part of the company efforts to build a decentralized organization based on blockchain network.

The tokens have a number of functions in the OpenGift ecosystem:

They can be used for purchasing software development services;

With GIFT tokens users can purchase tokens of open source projects listed on the platform, and receive proceeds from their earnings;

Token-holders will get an access for the database of free software.

OpenGift will distribute the tokens in accordance with the following plan:

A total of 2,5(m) GIFTs will be given to distinguished start-up projects selected by the jury. The maximum grant towards one project (or group of affiliated projects) is 500,000 GIFTs ($100,000). The grants will be distributed by co-sponsoring tasks registered on the platform. To apply please fill in this form.

A total of 2,5(m) GIFTs will be distributed among open source developers. Out of this amount, 250,000 tokens will be granted to projects that have been registered on the platform by 26th of June. Up until the end of the campaign each newly registered OSS project will receive 300 GIFTs. The jury can also grant up to 500,000 GIFTs to projects that have a highest potential to significantly improve a current IT infrastructure.

The jury participants and selection criterion will be announced soon.

Apart from that, OpenGift will distribute the tokens to individual developers according to the following rules:

  • 100 GIFTs for joining our Telegram group for developers. Please register in this form for participation
  • 300 GIFTs for every new post on our telegram account that engages our audience.
  • 600 GIFTs for every good contribution on other telegram accounts that get us signups on Opengift. To claim your tokens, please write a short report in English one time in two weeks here
  • 1000 GIFTs for every constructive post on bitcointalk/reddit/steemit/medium about us. Please fill in the Google form to participate. To claim your tokens, please write a short report in English one time in two weeks here
  • 600 GIFTs for every bug/suggested feature in OpenGift platform reported via OpenGift project page* that will be supported by community** or accepted by OpenGift team

OpenGift reserves a right to reconsider the campaign terms. In such case, the new terms will not be applied retrospectively.

Please bear in mind that it may take some time to distribute the tokens :)

If you are a developer and involved in Open Source projects, let us help you to make money from OS much better!

* to report a bug/to suggest a feature please press “create a new task” button.

** users should support a goal associated with fixing the bug with 500 or more GIFTs for the goal to be considered as “supported by community”




OpenGift.io - Monetize your open-source projects or crowd fund new software to reduce cost!