GitLab’s new AI capabilities empower DevSecOps

3 min readNov 16, 2023


GitLab, a leading DevOps platform, has been continuously expanding its AI-powered capabilities to enhance the software development process. The latest releases of GitLab have introduced new AI features that aim to boost security, efficiency, and collaboration within DevSecOps teams. In this blog, we will explore the key AI capabilities introduced in GitLab’s recent releases and how they benefit the DevSecOps process.

GitLab Duo Chat

The star of the show is GitLab Duo Chat, a natural-language AI assistant that provides users with invaluable insights, guidance, and suggestions across various aspects of the software development lifecycle Some of its key functions include:

  • Code analysis
  • Planning security issue comprehension and resolution
  • Troubleshooting CI/CD pipeline failures
  • Aiding in merge requests

GitLab Duo Chat is part of a suite of 14 AI capabilities within GitLab’s DevSecOps platform.

GitLab Duo Code Suggestions

The general availability of GitLab Duo Code Suggestions in the GitLab 16.7 release allows developers to write code more efficiently by viewing code suggestions as they type. This feature helps automate repetitive tasks and helps developers catch bugs early.

AI for Developer Teams

GitLab offers various AI-assisted features for developer teams, including:

  • Code Suggestions: Enables developers to write code more efficiently by viewing code suggestions as they type.
  • Suggested Reviewers: Suggests appropriate code reviewers based on their expertise and experience.
  • Generate Tests in MRs: Automates the process of generating test cases for merge requests.
  • Explain This Code: Allows DevSecOps teams to quickly understand code by providing explanations for specific lines or sections.

AI for Security and Operations Teams

GitLab’s AI capabilities also cater to security and operations teams with features like:

  • Vulnerability Summary: Provides a summary of vulnerabilities found in the code.
  • Code Explanation: Allows security teams to quickly understand code and identify potential security risks.
  • Planning Discussions Summary: Offers a summary of planning discussions to ensure all team members are on the same page.
  • Merge Request Summary: Provides a summary of merge requests, including the status of code reviews and test results.

AI for Everyone

GitLab’s AI capabilities are designed to benefit all users involved in the software development process. Some of the AI features available for everyone include:

  • Issue Comment Summaries: Quickly gets everyone up to speed on lengthy conversations to ensure they are all on the same page.
  • GitLab Chat: Allows users to communicate more efficiently by providing AI-powered suggestions for responses.

Future of AI in DevSecOps

Looking ahead, GitLab plans to add numerous AI capabilities to its DevSecOps platform, including workflow automation and intelligent code security, aimed at automating mundane tasks and reducing the risk associated with insecure coding practices. This strategic focus on AI integration underscores GitLab’s vision for the future of DevSecOps, where AI plays a pivotal role in streamlining processes, enhancing security, and driving innovation within software development teams.


In conclusion, GitLab’s new AI capabilities represent a significant advancement in the realm of DevSecOps, offering organizations the opportunity to leverage AI to boost efficiency, productivity, and collaboration while addressing key challenges in AI adoption. As GitLab continues to innovate and integrate AI into its platform, the future of DevSecOps looks promising, with AI playing a central role in shaping the software development landscape.

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