The Open Innovation Tour in the Nordics: why should you join?

Open Innovation Meetup
3 min readOct 4, 2018

by Olga Balakina

As the modern world is changing, both corporations and startups need to collaborate and experiment together in order to come up with new innovative solutions to solve the big challenges. The Nordic Open Innovation Tour to make Nordics a single open innovation market for globally established companies. The tour is organized by Industryhack with the help of their Nordic partners Mesh, Matrikel1, Maria 01, Startup Estonia, Norrsken and Rising North.

It is not the first time when Nordics players are on a mission to increase the cross-border collaboration. However, the discussion between corporates and startups is yet to be brought up to the next level with no boundaries. While increasing cross-border collaboration and promoting best practices within Nordics, the desirable goal is to increase the number of projects that Nordic startups work on with global companies, and promote the region for easy and feasible collaboration environment with the general terms for open innovation contest.

The Nordic innovation tour is landing to 5 Nordic capitals to connect the Nordic startup community with the global corporations to create new growth, revenue and showcase experimentation as a new way to learn for both: new companies and traditional industries. At the events, you will hear concrete examples and experiences from open innovation cases presented by both startups and corporations.

Talent — opportunities for young and innovative teams.

The startup world is extremely fast and competitive. Things change in a moment and it is not always about the business, it is not always about the tech. There are a lot of great ideas which are easy to scale and attractive for investments. However, it is a well recognizable trend that “one more app” idea, of course, can surprise the humanity but the probability that it can actually change the life of society for the better equal to zero.

Big traditional industries companies are heavily stepping into the startup world and taking the position of an investor and a co-development partner while providing the massive playground full of data, science and previous learnings. Looking at the changes happening among them, the timing could not be better. Deep tech talents are getting into the game where they can actually not only create a product but additionally, they can upgrade the industries from the inside by integrating their ideas to the globally established industries and make the massive impact. Additionally, thanks to the “no border” startup mentality, big production companies can scout for teams coming far from their home base and bring in the much-wanted innovation process.

5 cities in 5 weeks — Welcome!

Hence, the tour will be tackling all the aspects of the best corporate-startup collaboration. First, kick-off event is already on October 5th at Maria 01 (register), where we have the chance to here on the innovation process which happened inside Finnair, Telia, Airbus in line with the solvers’ angel from Slush, Junction, and Perfektio. Next cities in line are Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Tallinn with the speakers coming from SAS, Amazon, Nordea, Stora Enso, FlyAR, Fortum, OP, Åland Government. Hope on board and cover 5 cities with us in 5 weeks!

Can not make it to Helsinki? Join other cities:

Oslo on October 12 at Mesh

Stockholm on October 18 at Norsken House

Copenhagen on October 25 at Matrikel1

Tallinn in November with Startup Estonia



Open Innovation Meetup

A community for problem solvers in the open innovation scene.