“I’m an Open Miker”

Open Miker Tour
2 min readNov 17, 2015


“Hey everyone! Thanks for supporting live comedy. The show will start in ten minutes, so grab some drinks and get ready for some open mic comedy!”

About twenty minutes later the show starts. A veteran comic will try some new jokes. A first-timer will try stand up for the first time and mainline the room. A young rising comic will get the crowd roaring with laughter. A 6-year veteran will tell the same jokes he’s been telling for years. Then the show will end and all the comics will gather in their sowing circles and talk about the show.

That’s my life — open mic comedy. And I love it. I love trying out new jokes and reworking old jokes. I love learning the humility of bombing and the ecstasy of killing. I love the dive bars and comedy clubs that allow me to do both. I love the 2 hour road trips for 5 minutes of stage time. I love stand up comedy.

My name is Guido Saltarelli and starting December 13th my comedy brothers AJ Rank and Max White are taking my Ford Focus from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Minneapolis and then working our way through several cities in Wisconsin, down through Chicago, and back home to Grand Rapids. We will be releasing a short film documenting this trip because we want to show what it’s like to be an open miker in cities not named New York or Los Angeles. Every comedian that you see with a Netlix or HBO special started off as an open micer and worked his or her way up the ranks. We want to show that world.

You can follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and here on Medium.

**This is NOT a gofundme or kickstarter project. We don’t want your money. Just your social media support. That is all for now.**

